when one dreams, you actually taking a step to realizing your dreams. Unknown"Mr. Ban"Adventurous
- 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
It's amazing when one draw strength from god to bless people! Unknown"Mr. Ban"Adventurous
- 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
When you dream, you think of it..you want to do it and eventually you did it!... Dare to dream! Unknown"Mr. Ban"Adventurous
- 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
Life is not all about taking...it's all about sharing and giving! Unknown"Mr. Ban"Adventurous
- 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
" The Best you can do is good enough." Unknown"Mr. Ban"Adventurous
- 17 years, 11 days ago