The Ocean Best Sailed
Welcome to my part of the beach off of the Sea of Friendship.
Are you here to pick up your mail, floating, bobbing, still in the bottle your
message awaits your reply and a toss back into the surf.
Or have you driven down for a quick dip in the rolling surf or are you
preparing to board one of our guided tours of the sea of friendship, time being
not limiting at all.
Yes the Sea of Friendship is an inviting spot filled with many sites and
Though in all fairness I should warn you of some things to lookout for,
disclaimers if you will, things to guide your safe booking of passage through.
The Sea of Friendship is located just north of the Ocean of Love, also a
lovely trip but much more choppy seas and the occasional tidal wave.
But separating the sea and ocean is a tricky coast littered with hidden sand
bars and jagged rocks trapping and sinking the unwary or the foolish.
Some people sail the sea of friendship for years never going as far as the
ocean of love, happy in the company of like minded souls never daring the
challenge of love.
It is the wise captain that slowly tacks into the winds of change, watching
out for the underlying currents that flow there feeling his or her way slowly
but sure.
Yes the trip is a tricky one made even harder by the distractions of the
inhabitants of this coast so fraught with dangers many.
First you have the half sunken ships of all shapes and sizes from many
centuries of passage through this straight of Hope.
Some are monuments to the careless ones who sought sail from friendship to
love with no respect for the other passengers who sailed along side them.
Still other wrecks foundered here seeking friendship after leaving love
without truly charting friendships safer boundaries or their depth of passion.
For if you know not friendship before love can you ever get back to this spot
even if determined to arrive safely?
For passages booked on trips to the oceans of love are notorious for being
shortened by rough weather, poor company and that odd lurking green monster.
Then there are the wonderful voyages that last a lifetime with stopovers to
as many ports of call as time will allow.
These happy cruises are rare and still get the occasional rough stormy wave
and foggy wind slackened periods.
But with the proper crew large problems can be over come, monsters vanquished
and pleasant ports of call still arrived at safely and in one piece.
And if our trip on the Ocean of Love is not a long one we have the safer,
more tranquil waters of the Sea of Friendship to seek our sport.
For if we are not mint to be sailors in love, we certainly can retain the
friendship built into the ship we sailed so skillfully into love.
We will not end upon the jagged rocky coast stretching between love and
friendship, for we know one another's heart.
Even if we should need something the other can't provide, the pact we shared
as friends before we were lovers is strong enough to survive any storm or
tidal wave life offers.
For any ship sailing for any length of time and with any hope of surviving
the voyage, is caulked with the glue that is friendship and understanding.
These firm planks are carefully fitted and plug the most dangerous leaks and
act as a life raft should we ever flounder or lose direction.
Yes come sail with me and while I can make only one promise it is that you
shall be loved and we shall ever be friends after as before ,then and once
Christine Lanthier "ღCinnamon Girl" smilin' in the sunshine
- 14 years, 11 months, 25 days ago