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"Layana's Pet"
"benni boo xx"
4725 pts
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Unknown's tales
hey y'alllll...im bk agen wit nuvver nebriated tale from the sam side..........well...nufin much goin on ere cept the ushe diatribe aided n betted by captin smirnoff n his trustee first mate red bull........ummm...ermmmm....ummi n ermi is me tonite! x
Unknown "Layana's Pet"
- 16 years, 4 months, 17 days ago
oh n that one i jus writ.........oh n this one toooooooo haha....not sure wat im laffin at but i do amuse meself at times x
Unknown "Layana's Pet"
- 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
oooh....thumb me new tale!!!! please please.....jus do it!!!
Unknown "Layana's Pet"
- 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
ooooh a brand spankin new tale!!!!! i must b inebriated...or just bored n wantin summat to write.....well...we shall start wiv my left eye....aquired a nervous twitch ova past 4 days...now sum say its over tired ness, n sum say its stress?? any ideas folx??? but its deffo one of them......."can u see my eye twitchin like a good un????"......."no?"......"well it bleedin well is..."....anyhoo....ill go wiv the overtiredness as im not usually a stressinix...im so laid back im nrli in a coma, altho maybe theres summat playin on me mind.....hmmmmmm...we'll see xxx
Unknown "Layana's Pet"
- 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
k....im sufficiently pissed enuff to write another.....i onli write em we pissed,lol...i have managed to upset loadsa peeps tonite n im not v happi bout any spesh one instance....but nev mind..lol...wat a twat!!!!
Unknown "Layana's Pet"
- 16 years, 9 months, 14 days ago
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