HELLO AND WELCOME!! 1. First thing to do when you arrive. Make a comment, that your gonna start thumbing..There are 3 simple rules you need to follow in this herd, and if you dont follow them, you will be banned, no sweat! Hopefully that wont be necessary ;) so read them carefully.. ~Rules~ 2.Then go back and thumb all posts to the front.. take your time and be sure to hit all thumbs, cos people dont like to be missed out.. 3. Then make your 25 posts.. All posts that reach page 50 will be deleted, except 1 from each person..IMPORTANT: Dont make new posts if yours is not deleted yet.. and you will get a message when your posts are deleted ;) THUMB ALL PAGES! Any questions or other stuff, make a new tophic.. Have fun ;) |
Herd leaders