Lol. I told you it was his wedding, luv. So yeah. My step-mom was supposed to be back a couple days before me, but she had to delay her flight until the 31 in order to get her legal obligations taken care of. So, yeah. I'm back. And I know my phone is off, but you'll have to bear with that for a little while. I need to figure out how to receive my text messages on my new phone right now. I put it on international roaming, so it doesn't take calls anymore. So the new library is finally open, eh? Exciting. I'll drop a line soon, but I'm rather sick at the moment. My sinuses have been bleeding for close to a week now. Fun times. And I have a fever, headache, and insomnia to boot. I just saw Shoot 'Em Up. Damn that movie is awesome. Ttyl, sweetness.
- 17 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
My mom as in the woman my father married. Step-mom if you prefer. I am staying with her family as they are now mine also. Hurray for convoluted extended families.
You have been massaged.
- 17 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
Lol. Finally gonna move out, eh? That took you longer than I expected. Everyones gotta get escape at some point. Yeah, dad is gone back to the states, so I'm here staying with my new family in the suburbs of Manila. I haven't taken so many pics because I forgot my freakin' charger for my bloody camera. But there are literally thousands of pics from the wedding, so thats something. I'll have to snag a few from my sister's phone, since that seems to be what everyone uses here to take their pics. I had to buy a new one a while ago, so I could stay in touch with ppl. I think my dad is snagging me from the airport because I'll have a bunch of my mom's things with me. The cities have a completely different asthetic. The houses are more like walled villas. Ppl spend most of their time on the streets, which is wicked different from home. Most of the cars you've never seen before. Everyone drives scooters. They only cost 1-1.5k usd. Sushi, huh? I have an apprenticeship at a famous international japanese restaurant here if I want it. Im thinking about taking it and starting a business since anthropology will never pay good. Lol. I got a pic of my little sis in a kimono. Kawaii! sadly my China friends in Manila are in France now. The rest of the are near Cebu, so I'd need to catch a plane, and I don't have the time right now, so oh well. Hopefully Odessa will drop by her place in Manila before I leave, but she might not get a chance.
- 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
The weather here is absolutely beautiful. Like 80-90F beautiful. A bit humid, but it beats the snow any day. Geoff can come with me next time. Maybe. Some guys are trying to talk me into going with them to a club where you can purchase...favors from the ladies. I'm trying to avoid them right now. lol. Geoff would love it here ;)