
Name: |
Mitsuko , 41/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 2:26 PM |
Join date: | 17 years, 2 months, 29 days ago |
Location: | Georgetown Malaysia
About me:
a simple gal wit simple thoughts n simple wishes...
About you:
every1 in the world out there... yup... dat's you~~
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | My Thumbing Herd, Claire's Thumb Mission, Edison's Family | Herds: | -=[ Malaysia® Official Herds ]=-, [Colven's Thumb Service Agency], ~~~MATRIX~~~, ~Jevoly~, h.e.r.d, Class "A" Thumbing Speed, World of Music (music sharing), shiromi's herd, -= Thumb's Exchange Centre =-, Mc's thumbing family, 超级星光大道 - 林宥嘉(yoga), Thumbing plan, Saif Thumb!!, Asther's Thumbing Page, DreamWorld, Virgin herd~ Thumb 4 Ivar~, Notti Home..., Secret Rescue Mission |
"♥ RiRi ♥"
330032 pts
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Mitsuko's tales
當男女朋友時 *雖然兩人已經交往了,但女生卻一直無法確定男生的真正心意 (sigh... ) *男生在還沒認定女生前,有時會偷偷喜歡上另一個女生 (haih... guys r like dat 1 lar...) *女生的付出總是比男生多,讓女生覺得好累 (hmm... give... as in different sense...) 當夫妻時 *在婚後,老婆對感情的不確定感就消失了 (hopefully la...) *老公對於家庭很盡責,只要老婆孩子想要的,都會盡力達成 (better do so...) *老公對老婆有時會比較神經質,只老婆要多給些安全感就夠了 (now already happen liao lo...)
Mitsuko "Mitzi" Adventurous
- 15 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
decided 2 cut my hair... =) new move... =)
Mitsuko "Mitzi" Adventurous
- 16 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
hate idiots n brainless ppl... pls learn the art of communication b4 u open up ur mouth... shut up... n get off...
Mitsuko "Mitzi" Adventurous
- 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
hate idiots n brainless ppl... pls learn the art of communication b4 u open up ur mouth... shut up... n get off...
Mitsuko "Mitzi" Adventurous
- 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
think too much... think too much dy... nothing happen... nothing happen... =P think too much liao... stop thinking... wake up.... =P focus focus.... u look wrongly dy... u think worngly dy... u sense wrongly dy... u feel wrongly dy... go study... s.t.u.d.y~~~ >.<
Mitsuko "Mitzi" Adventurous
- 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Errance's Corner
決定的事,是全世界最重要的約定 入睡,是為了撫慰我的心 作夢,是因為我還不夠高 如果覺睡的夠香甜 如果夢是幸福的 如果我的個子一吋吋的長大 即使對別人而言是些平凡的小事 但只要用心頃聽 也會成為特別的意義 這是想要更了解對方 才能得到的一種像是特權的東西 因微不足道的事而幸福 因舉無輕重的事而受傷 如果不能了解心的特性,那就不叫信任.. 如同你看望著太陽般,我也同樣的思念著你 如同你請求太陽注意你,內心的焦急等候般 我也凝望著你,每一天祈禱著 但太陽過於耀眼使我看不見妳 請記得 當遇見某人時,試著握住他的手 如果他的手是溫暖的 訴說你的真心也無訪 因為手心溫暖的人 也會有一顆善良而悸動不已的心 仔細想想,也不算太糟 因為在內心海洋裡流動的淚水 得以夢見一個美麗的回憶 回過頭看 也許聽起來像個逝去的記憶 但並非全然只有心酸 迎接身在此處的我 因為心酸總是伴隨著美好的回憶 那是 共同承擔的約定 是連最後的背影也記得的 純粹而完整的心...
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