You have seen so much.
More than anyone your age should ever see.
I wish I could just take all your pain away.
I see how much you hurt.
Just from what you have seen.
You say your doing okay.
But I can see your not.
You’ve seen way to much.
I wish I could give you a hug.
And take away all your pain.
You need some healing.
I wish I could give it to you.
But I know I am not strong enough to.
Atleast not yet.
All I can really do for you is lend you an ear.
To listen to what ever you have to say.
To look at the pictures you have to show.
I know they don’t show what you’ve all seen.
But they show enough to tell me you’ve seen hell.
I really want to just tell you its all going to be alright.
But in reality I know you and I both know better than that.
All I can really say is I love you and I’m here for you.
I always will be.
Whether you like it or not you’ve gotten a friend for life.
To help you through your rough life.
I just want to say I’m really proud of you putting your life in danger for us every day. I dedicate this poem to all the people in the world who have put their life on the line for us. Who keep us safe when we sleep or when we are awake. I want to say thanks to my brother who is in iraq fighting for our freedom. I also want to just say thanks to all the troops whether your in iraq or not. I want to say thanks to all the firefighter, emts, and police men and women. You are all really appreciated.
Unknown "Angel n disguise" Emo
- 17 years, 22 days ago