Time for a BIG tale here. ^^
Oh boy, college is coming soon. I just registered for classes yesterday and was elated to know that my full scholarship is taking care of me. ^^ Well... for now, ahaha. I need another scholarship that will cover my books and extra credits I may (probably will need) in order to get my nursing degree. It's promising so farrrr. And the requirements for the scholarship is going to show my commitment to the school, which I really don't want to do actually, but in the meantime, I might meet new friends in the programs, and get along with people better, and that I'll regret not wanting to do it. ^^! Hope some cute ones come by, mrowl. <3 =^^=
I got some good news and bad-ish news. Good news first, of course:
I finally got a part-time BEFORE college starts, woooo! I'm gonna need it... Metro fare back and forth + food + stuff I want = MONEY MONEY, oh and did I say, MONEY. The manager is awesome and that he'd make my work hours as flexible as possible for me. GREAT! <3
Badish news:
It's McDonald's. *sigh* Back to where I began again. The food I never did support in the first place, but it's a no-choicer here. And the other jobs I applied for are douchebags for not calling me back for months. Humph, even the store that was actually hiring. Again.. douche-effin'-bags.
Hope this is something I am willing to perseve on for right now. Geez, I've been working my tail off for the past two months ahaha! Ah well, makes up for all the excersise I didn't do in the past. Hope I find the time to work out again, geez. I'm starting to flab again, ick ick. x.x
Well, see you all on the other side, much hugs and loves from the lombax,
Unknown "Sexy Lombax" Adventurous
- 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago