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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown, 43/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:32 PM
Join date:16 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
Location: United States

"The bunneh to take you to Wonderland"
About me:
The reflection in the mirror and the white rabbit that you should follow
About you:
Follow me through Wonderland and see what it is all about
Looking for:
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): SinisiN
Herds: Starfuckers, Inc., ~elise's thumbs~, ThiRTEeN!, Instinct 5/10, The Rabbitz Hole, Kim's Thumbs, thumb challenge, SUPER SWARM 15/10
Unknown's tales
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please just visit even if you dont want to play the game, gives me silver :D
Unknown - 16 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
play it
Unknown - 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago

Unknown - 16 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
from the top the wind blows hard
a sight to behold
the bottom so distant
but worth the wait
as thoughts of why i'm here flood my head
i realize that i worked myself here
you built me up
and when the time comes
the tear down of the tower
the crashing of my walls
i will fall
or can i jump first
and beat down the destruction

how did i reach such a high point
the clouds block my view
on a clear day the people look like ants
the way i feel

another moment another time
reasons spent and thrown to the rocks
the stones of hope
or of the end
an end i wish for
the same end i need
that i pull myself up to greet
a wait to take its hand
to jump over the top
and fall back in place
a long time to collect
an bring my thoughts together

was this what i wanted
is this going to make it better
where do i go from here
questions take over
as i take a step forward
the air is thin
and my mind is writing
the end of the book
i take a step back
think of those who care
wondering why people always care more
after the person is gone
if i only i could see
if any care then

up and over the hill
i must hurry
time is cutting short
so i close my eyes
step ahead
and feel the rush
the wind blowing against my face
knowing this is it
i come to grip with it
why so few things flash before my eyes
i do not know
as i see the end
i can almost feel it in my finger tips
and as the end is just a split second away
i wake up
another dream unfulfilled
Unknown - 16 years, 3 months, 21 days ago
I just noticed my membership runs out on my birthday, perfect timing LMAO
Unknown - 16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago
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Jacquelin Corrin
where the hell have you been????
teh internets, its serious You have been given teh internets, its serious.
Crafted by Unknown
Jacquelin Corrin "bittersweet" Neglected - 15 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Whim Grrl
i never really herez either, butz here - have some nomz!! *hugz*
Zombie Nom'z! You have been given Zombie Nom'z!.
Crafted by Whim Grrl
Whim Grrl "wHeE wHiM" @ HP lostz the whee.. :( @ - 15 years, 8 months, 27 days ago
Whim Grrl
hello sweet invisible bunneh - i broughtz you a prezzie! *hugz n whee* xo
Invisible squeeky toy You have been given Invisible squeeky toy.
Crafted by Unknown
Whim Grrl "wHeE wHiM" @ HP lostz the whee.. :( @ - 15 years, 9 months, 14 days ago
Jacquelin Corrin

u iz so hardkor You have been given u iz so hardkor.
Crafted by Unknown
Jacquelin Corrin "bittersweet" Neglected - 15 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
Whim Grrl
heyzzz me good bunneh! i boughtz you back from dat jzcqueline grrrl. if you wantz to be her pet, tiz fine, yepz! i'se guessin dat she'z yer friend :) butz i keep buyinz ya back till you tellz me yes or no, k? iz beinz responsible pet-friend! *hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* xo whiml
Malice in Wonderland You have been given Malice in Wonderland.
Crafted by Whim Grrl
Whim Grrl "wHeE wHiM" @ HP lostz the whee.. :( @ - 15 years, 10 months, 15 days ago
Whim Grrl
heyzzz bunneh :) i'se not hangin roundz de hp landz right now, andz i didn't thinx you were either? but haz been so long since i stop bi yer page here, methinx i come leavez lil somethin today. hope you'se good! i'll catch up wit you elsewherezzz.... *hugzzzz* xox whim

(ain't dis da truth??)
You have been given I Have Lots Of Experience.
Crafted by Nicole Marie
Whim Grrl "wHeE wHiM" @ HP lostz the whee.. :( @ - 15 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Lost in Wonderland

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u iz so hardkor
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u iz so hardkor
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Trust me
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Trust me
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night night
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night night
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When Pez die
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teh internets, its serious
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200 pts
teh internets, its serious
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with our powers combined
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you have fingerpaints?
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some help to survive
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some help to survive
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party fowl
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party fowl
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I'd hit that
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I'd hit that
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got ya
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got ya
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so in-tents
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so in-tents
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