C'est la vie

"Monkey Man"
Name: |
Tangi Tunoa, 61/Male
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 10:40 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 27 days ago |
Location: | United States
"All for the love of a woman..." |
About me:
I can be an interesting person to get to know. I’ve been to 55 countries, have lived in 6, and have the experiences to go along with it. I’m extremely liberal, believe strongly in women’s rights, I’m pro-choice, a heavy animal person and hardcore pro union. I have a wide variety of causes, and tend to get involved. I have a very eclectic taste in music, movies and the things I love to follow. You may not agree with everything (or anything) I say or do, but at least you’ll be able to say I thought about it.
About you:
I'm looking for a highly intelligent, strong (feminist?), woman that attracts me, likes to get involved with causes, and loves travel to strange exotic places.
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | Mental Retreat | Herds: | Atheists Unite, Intellectual Experimentalists, ~Wild adults~, Comfortably Numb, Poetry Herd, Thumb me gently, Sarah's Thumbs, Sky High, ***SpamAlot***, ~ Sweet Melissa's Herd ~, The Museum, Rant your fuckin arse off, RSP Thumbs, Boohoohoo, Tasteful BUT naughty gifts, adeles thumb herd, Tanu's 10 Thumbs Page, GSX-R Memorial, Chippys Herd, Truly Unique, jungle fun, Elle's Shakalaka, Animal lovers, Sunshine sunflowers n you |
"Beyond Belief"
775000 pts
"pussycat nfs"
10000 pts
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Tangi's tales
Spring's Noticed Spring time here again once more, Upon the opening of my front door The birds sing joyful to the night now done Bees dance by with casual calm Their labor colored steps leave home while rainbows follow winter on the run. The sounds and smells so crisp and clear Bring life to light with reverent flair Bold the squirrels play their hearts delight. I see before me worlds lost The fast paced days small pleasures cost To grasp what little I may of that now known And as I shake cobwebs from thought Awakening sights I’ve not been taught Step from my home into the morning sun. The day is mine for what I please Natures play, its love my tease To bask in all it wishes to impart. TTunoa
Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie
- 14 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
Nightfall"s Descent Blackened heart within doth lie, Morning light awaitened, Till then the dreams my mind will bleed Of we one night enlightened. Taste the dark wind cold and crisp, Lay’n the fields tall grasses And with the moonlit midnight cry We’ll bare our souls lost faces Run your love along my mind Let me feel the sun For when the day break comes once more Blind the past be done ttunoa
Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie
- 15 years, 6 months ago
My 25 Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. (To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.) 1) I am ADHD, tested at the 97 percentile. 2) I have been to 55 countries, lived in 6 of them. (The 6 are Samoa, US, Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain and the Virgin Islands) 3) I have lived in 6 states in the US. (California, New York, Illinois, Minnesota, Texas, Hawaii) 4) I have more often than not spent every school year I attended going to more than one each year. 5) I am loyal to an extreme. I will put my life down for friends and family without hesitation. I have proved this often in my life. 6) I have been on the edge of death many times. 7) I ran a job in Death Row, San Quentin back in 2005-2006. I met every inmate there and spent my 42nd birthday there working the tiers. 8) I used to be in the illicit drug industry. 9) I was on the Executive Board for my union (IBEW 551), and was on the negotiating team for one of our contracts affecting over 700 people. 10) I caught over 300 herons and Egrets while volunteering at Bird Rescue, a wild bird hospital in Santa Rosa, California. 11) I trashed all the ligaments and tendons in my right arm tripping over my boot shoe laces about 8 years ago. Although much better, I still have problems with it. 12) I was 5’11 by the age of 12. I reached my maximum height of 6’2 by 14. 13) I had a college level for reading by the age of 9 and could speed read as well. My grandfather was an English professor, my grandmother was an English teacher, my aunt majored in English as well as my mother. My mother taught English as a second language as well as art in the countries we lived in. I made it through the 9th grade. 14) I have 9 preachers in my immediate family, including my father, both grand fathers, and a variety of uncles on both sides of my family. I am a devout atheist. 15) I was kicked out of Sunday school at the age of six. 16) I don’t believe fully in reality. 17) I first experienced the principals office in kindergarten. I have never been to a school where the principal wasn’t familiar with me rather quickly. 18) I quit drinking alcohol over 20 years ago. 19) I have worked building a hospital, a satellite ground station for Pan Am Sat, the main brain of a facility for a new Disney/Pixar facility in Novato, California, the showcase house for San Francisco in 1988, a few smart houses, a couple of working hospitals including their ERs, and can fully wire a house having done so many times. I can even string Christmas tree lights without the watchful eye of a loved one over my shoulder. I recently did so proving I could. 20) My greatest love is animals. 21) My second greatest love is women’s causes. I’m actually a feminist. 22) I am emotionally hardwired and have worked all my life to control my own. 23) I am going through a major transformation of my motivations in life, the third time I’ve done so in my life. I have always been a socialist and am currently working to change my mentality to one of a more capitalist nature. 24) I want to retire at the age of 55 and devote the rest of my life to social causes. 25) I aspire to experience sex again at least once before I die.
Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie
- 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Present Fantasy Under A Christmas Tree It would be nice to have a present under the Christmas tree, the sparkle of lights dancing merrily across its colorful wrapping, a fire burning near by, music apropos to the moment playing in the background. I'd glance over every once in a while, to make sure it was still there. Occasionally I would reach out and touch it when no one was looking, content in the knowledge that it was mine. I’d like to hold that package, lift it up in front of me, feel for any movement from within, anything to give me a clue as to what I might expect. Then I'd place it gently on my lap, stroke the ribbons for just a little while, and fiddle with the edges of the wrapping. What joys will this bestow upon me, I ponder. On Christmas morning, as I sit on the floor next to my present, will I gently pull the tape off, press my hands across the boxes surface to push the wrapping aside reveling the gifts underneath, or will I just rip the paper from the box so that I can grab the contents within and begin my closer examination. Will it be as a chocolate covered cherry, a tasty morsel to tantalize my senses with while I brush my lips across its melting surface, my tongue wet with lust intently darting out to feel its warm exterior, with a gentle nibble to release its sweet fluids into my waiting mouth? Or will it be more like a puzzle, to spread out on the surface before me, my nimble fingers fondling each piece as I spot where it would fit best. What makes this picture whole I wonder as I continue my exploration of the unfolding portrait so lovely my eyes dampen with delight? Maybe it will be like a new bicycle, to be mounted and rode hard, pumping away at the pedals, hugging those corners as I pant with the pleasurable awareness that I am so alive in this moment, with sweat pouring from every inch of my body onto the bike below. How many days, hours, minutes will I be allowed to play with my new gift before the outside world once again calls me to come take care of some mundane task? Just a few more moments, that’s all I ask for, though wanting so much more. Of course there will always be night fall, when chores are done, and time is mine once again. Maybe this time though, I’ll linger a little longer savoring the moment, imprinting it into my subconscious for those occasions I find myself without. Think it’s been a little too long since I last celebrated Christmas. Ahh Christmas, the season for the original fantasies we each first had. We’re all grown up now. Our fantasies are different, more adult, yet play remains a central theme, as it should. We need these times to recharge, to shut off responsibility, and relax so that we can face those moments we must. Too much reality pushes aside our childish needs, those moments we reserve for ourselves, our play, ones necessary to our mental healths. Life is what we make of it. Enjoy it. Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend, Before we too into the Dust descend; Dust unto Dust, and under Dust to lie, Sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer, and-sans End!
Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie
- 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil (George Bradley) Perhaps in the dead of some different night, Staring into an ocean of as yet unnamed stars About whose myriad formations we can only surmise; Perhaps in the heat of a meridional afternoon, Sprawled beside a water hole in the lush shade Afforded by primitive plants, lazily swatting flies; Or perhaps while smeared with grease from the carcass, Having gorged at long last on a feast of raw flesh, Listening contently to the sounds of digestion- Into what immense mind on what terrible occasion Did that thought, that first idea, finally arrive? Salve homo, I see you there, struck by your sapience, Stunned by the source of all bitterness and joy, Conceiving behind wild eyes and a thickset brow The origin of so much beauty, of so many misdeeds, Of every identical dread: the origin of the species. Somewhere great clouds of insects must be swarming, For you to hear their furious humming fill the air; Somewhere a taloned beast must be tearing it’s prey, For you scent the sweet odor of blood on the breeze. You with the hairy belly, with the heavy jaw ajar, I see you there, your mind leaping to conclusions: The cold sweat bursts forth and you twirl a twig, Idly, abstractedly, envisioning so many things (Stone piled on each other, bones heaped in a pit), Imagining every end, getting all in an instant, The dissolution of that time and place, of you, Its mockeries and implication.
Tangi Tunoa "Monkey Man" C'est la vie
- 16 years, 9 months, 13 days ago
Fresh Out Of My Mind...
Whatever catches my fancy...
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