They r weird.Hahahahahahaha.
Here's the one i dreamt a few days bck(oh!Let me tell,i ever dream).
I was with one of my fren(don't know who) here in seoul,and suddenly we made a plan to go to Edmonton,Canada.(Never been there).Than we were there..
And suddenly we were in some kind of an open restaurant.A girl came by to me and hand me a napkin,written a word in korean.
Than i was all alone,and while in search of my fren,I was somewhere with some other ppl(not korean) in some kind of concert and fete,with lots of other Asians.Some of these guys were trying to make me buy drugs(narcotics),but somehow i happened to came out from trouble and i was out looking for "K__ __".I was so desperate and anxiousat the same time so worried too,coz i have to go bck to korea without seeing a person i really want to see.
I don't remember when i woke up and where i stopped seeing the dream.
Unknown "Sweet guy" Naughty
- 16 years, 8 months, 12 days ago