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*Prince & Princess* | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: *Prince & Princess*
Led by Unknown | 13 members

Maybe(아마도~),the herd title"Prince & Princess" may sound a little too luxorious and shopisticated.But,LoL...its nothing more than just having your own herd,where i can gather my princes & princesses to share our daily life with lots of laugh and laugh. ** Mind is such an extraordinary machine,where weird thoughts can pop-up from nowhere,but if there are friends around to talk about it,though just a weird thought it maybe interesting to talk about.Atleast why friends are for?*^^* ** Hey!I don't know how long or short life could be,.. .....I don't know how life turn out to be, .....I don't know how we start and end up, .....but as long as we are all together, .....Let's share,"sweet and bitter","good or bad", .....& ....."Best and worst"!! ** 'Hopeing to be with all of you all the time.

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Unknown Unknown "Fany win" Naughty