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Chris , 38/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:31 PM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
Location: Blair, OK United States

About me:
Let's see, how to start this off. Well, one of the first things people realize about me when they get to know me is I am a person of many passions. I have passions for the sciences, philosophy the arts and understanding in general. The concept of true comprehension of an event, an idea, a living being or anything is, to me, an almost transcendental experience. New understanding grants me access to new views of hidden beauty that would have been otherwise forever concealed from me. Because of this, I cherish every realization I find in myself and in others. In fact I use this cognizance as a drive to create my own purposes in life. It becomes an aspiration for aiding others and spreading comprehension. This may sound overly altruistic to some but it is not a false guise to cover up my flaws. I understand them and actually ask others to tell me when they show so that I might better myself. Why have I decided upon these purposes? It is because of how I see the universe, how I love the idea of life. It comes down to my basic nature, since I understand and cherish, I couldn't wish or inflict harm as it would destroy the very ideals I set before me. Or maybe it is because I'm entirely crazed and have decided that I might as well enjoy the time I have on this strange little planet that seems to have become entirely infested with that anomaly known as life.
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: HP Café, RIA's Herd
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Another piece from my blog The Rantings of a Gothic Atheist.

Trouble in Ontario
In many parts of Canada, the public schools are still run by the Catholic Church. So when the It Gets Better project took hold, pointing out the high rate of gay teen suicide and the treatment they far too often receive in schools, it was only natural for many regions to encourage groups such as the Gay-Straight Alliance. And most schools have welcomed this, yes, even some of the Catholic ones. Things seemed to be actually getting better for young LGBT individuals, that is until the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) Caught wind of it.

The HCDSB claimed that clubs such as the Gay-Straight Alliance were harmful to its youth...despite every bit of evidence showing it was the complete opposite. The even went so far as to ban the organization from meeting at their school. When questioned as to their reasoning, board chair Alice Anne LeMay had this to say:

“We don’t have Nazi groups either, Gay-straight alliances are banned because they are not within the teachings of the Catholic Church.”

Wait...did she just Godwin her interview? I'm sure some religious apologists would have accepted the later part of her argument (though that doesn't explain why other Catholic run schools were fine with it), but only the most paranoid of the neo-cons would think the first half was justified. Because whenever you think of a group that strives to create understanding between differing groups everyone always thinks of the Third Reich.

But there is a chance that the Canadian government will force the HCDSB to change their decision. The reason being, as of 2011, the Ontario Ministry of Education declared that all school boards within Ontario (the province the HCDSB resides) must "have equity and inclusive education policies that help schools provide safe and positive environments for students of all races, religions and sexual orientations." They even go so far as to support the foundation of clubs such as the Gay-Straight Alliance.

However the education director for the HCDSB, Michael Pautler, argues that the Ministry of Education only proposes the Gay-Straight Alliance as one possibility to harboring a greater sense of acceptance for those with differing sexual orientations. Though he did not suggest any other possibilities. Apparently after the idea to compare them to Nazis failed they simply ran out of options.

Pautler went on to say:

"Dialogue groups can achieve the same kinds of objectives, but that have a broader focus on inclusion generally, or a celebration of diversity, as opposed to focusing on any one particular expression of diversity.”

In other words, you can have a group that explores the differences in humanity as long as you don't use the word 'gay', because, as we all know, highly religious people just feel icky all over whenever they hear that word and we wouldn't want that now would we.

Though what worries me even more is this final bit said by LeMay:

“[The policy] lists gender, sexual orientation, a whole bunch of stuff, that Halton has not included in their equity and inclusive education policy"

Hold on a sec, they haven't included gender in their equal education policy? And what is this 'bunch of other stuff', does this school still think blacks need to be kept separate from the rest of the student body? LeMay says this as if it were some common thing. Is denying women equal rights and comparing LGBT students to Hitler everyday occurrences in the Catholic parts of Ontario? The Catholics are really starting to scare me more and more each day.


A bow to Xtra! Canada's Gay and Lesbian News for the information.
Chris - 14 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
From the latest post on my blog The Rantings of a Gothic Atheist, a few things I learned over New Year's Eve:

I hope everyone had an enjoyable New Years and hopefully one that could even vaguely be defined as safe. Over the course of the night I was able to accumulate a series of rather loosely defined 'rules'. While they may not all be applicable to everyone, I believe that at least some of these can be agreed upon by most. Now in no particular order, the things I learned over New Year's Eve...

#1 There are some messages that are never ok to send.

While it has generally become an accepted part of any time of reverie, the idea of disturbing calls, texts and emails does have its limits. Unless you simply choose to ignore your phone during such times, we all know at least a few people who will send us drunk messages that make us wonder why we are still in contact with these people. Well, we all at least hope that inebriation is the source of these misanthropy reaffirming messages as the alternative is just far to depressing for most of us to wish to consider.

Granted there is the ever popular drunken ex texting/calling but this has been so over done to become almost more cliche then a truly bad decision. Not to say that it is not a poorly developed idea as, like most choices these people make while imbibing, is so chock full of fail and future regret to be painfully obvious (at least to everyone other then the person sending the message).

There are many other forms of future shame but few top one when it comes to making others disdain ever knowing you and the fact that said person's parents thought procreating was a good idea. What message could potentially be so poorly thought out as to not only be a portent of the sender's own suffering but, like some sort of mosquito of misery, sucks the joy out of anyone who is on the receiving end of it?

It is a message that is usually some variation of "I may need you to bail me out of jail later...". For those of you who have never been on the receiving end or been around those who have been sent such a message, consider yourself lucky. For there are few ways to destroy someone's enjoyment like opening up their phone and to hear or see these words.

But even more pathetic is the thought process that was behind this message (or lack there of). For the sender to have even considered to write this message they would have to realize that they are going to be putting themselves into a situation that could result in their imprisonment, yet they choose not to do the obvious thing and simply avoid it. It is the textual equivalent of noticing that oncoming semi trailer and thinking to yourself "I bet I could beat that in a game of chicken" (for those of you who agree to that statement, go try it, I'm sure our genome will thank you).

One final point about this rule. If you do not recognize any of these things as poor decisions then congratulations, you are that person and yes, everyone really does hate you.

#2 Games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero.

For the more astute of my readers, you may have realized that this isn't exactly a rule. Quite true, but that is only because there is far to much to say about this topic and it is far easier to just lump them all under one category then trying to write about them individually.

These games have, in their relatively short existence become the ubiquitous party video game. Is there a party? Is one of these games available? Then it, almost without fail, will be played. And if the person also has the microphone and drum set then the temptation to play this glorified version of Simon becomes far to great for the collective presence of the party to ignore.

It being New Year's Eve, alcohol, by law, must be available. So it will not be long before these two things are brought together into what, for the observer at least, becomes one of the most inadvertently hilarious events at a party. There is the obvious lure of seeing someone who can play any song on expert while blindfolded slowly degenerating into someone who suddenly makes your utter lack of talent at the game seem normal. As the expert player slowly begins to have to lower the difficulty setting to keep up with there increasing blood alcohol level, the game actually becomes both more hilarious for those watching and also grants the novice a chance to play alongside their betters at the game without looking quite as bad at it as they truly are. And as many of us have had the unfortunate chance to see, humans are spiteful little critters and to see their 'betters' fall to their level (even if just for a bit) makes far too many bipeds cackle with evil glee.

So in a matter of hours, a simple game of matching beats with pretty colors suddenly becomes a lesson in humanities malicious side. If this were not bad enough, those who get far to into the game begin to display another darker trait of our species, addiction. In this case to, what in all actuality, is a rather silly thing. It is not common to see someone who feels they are in 'the zone' to ignore everything else around them, including the fact that they came here with a loved one whom they promptly left to fend for themselves. All over the chance to give themselves carpal tunnel syndrome and imagine that they can actually play a real instrument.

But despite these evils, the Siren call of this game can almost never be resisted. And as the collective level of inebriation of the part increases, even these darker aspects become almost completely ignored. In fact soon it becomes almost mandatory to begin laughing at the absurd actions of those playing the game. Once this point has finally been reached, we find that we have come full circle and are once again back to the point of it just being a game to be enjoyed instead of some sort of serious test of skill.

It is usually about this time that the few people who are not putting their livers through hell suddenly realize "wait, everyone else is too drunk to really care what goes on, I can act like a complete fool and not only get away with it but shall become more liked by everyone because of it!". It is at this point that you shall see a person loose their last bits of inhibition (and actually not because of alcohol) and begin throwing in random kicks, fist pumps and otherwise acting like they are The Guitar Hero. These actions are further encouraged by their intoxicated comrades and soon one of the most hilarious synergies is formed and once again the world is made right be a bunch of humans making utter fools of themselves and loving every minute of it. Oh, and apparently it is perfectly alright to fight over who gets to sing Spider-Man by the Ramones.

#3 Explosions are amazing.

Now this one should be so obvious as to not even need further considering. The rule itself could very well be the end all and be all of this part. Except I had a chance to bear witness to something that proves just how much we humans like our booms.

A friend of mine decided to try and make a firework on his own. In the end, its incredibly simple construction led to it being little more then a gun powder bomb, yet we watched with a childish glee as it blackened the yard with its explosive goodness. Granted this was probably one of the least safe aspects of the entire night, but that is part of its allure. It represents humanities taming of such a destructive force and turning it into a source of mindless giggles.
Chris - 14 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
I have talked with many of my friends about my views on how science
unveils the beauty of the universe and connects us to it. This video
describes this feeling perfectly. I hope you may get the same feeling
from it as well.
Here is the link
Chris - 14 years, 3 months, 23 days ago
I think it was about time to add a new post. Why? Because I feel like ranting for a bit and because with everything that has happened in recent times, I believe I am entitled to it. What has occurred, you ask? Well, since you asked so nicely...

Last Monday, things were going rather well, I had finished things at the college early and was going to head to my apartment to get ready for one of my jobs. A few moments after arriving at the apartment, I hear the door open and a stranger walk in who kindly asks "Who the hell are you?" Now all existential thoughts aside, I answered his question plainly, one of the tenants. After a series of moments of posturing and my coming to the conclusion that this man was an anal retentive jack off, I found out that he was the landlord. Now you would think he would not be surprised to see me living in the apartment I was paying rent for, but that would be logical. In the end he would not say anything to me other then threats and wanting to talk to the tenant and he eventually left leaving me feeling a bit agitated and secretly wishing that man's spleen would explode into sepsis.

Emotions and daydreams aside, I attempted to track down the person who had the lease agreement. After multiple attempts, I find that he is not answering his phone, is neither at his work, nor at his parents where he was supposed to be staying for the night. I am beginning to think I have been screwed over but decide to focus on the task at hand. I went and rented a U-haul truck and loaded things up. During the process the roommate who could not be contacted called me saying he would be there in a few minutes. When he did he claimed that he was told that we had until the end of the month (upon which we were going to be moving into a house). But despite his claims to this, he won't even talk with the landlord, not even when I drag him there with me.

Anyway, I had moved my items to a different location and then went about my week as I must, work, college, all that fun stuff. During the week, I encounter mutual friends of ours and I ask them about the situation, not putting in my opinion until after they have shared theirs so as not to affect their description. What I come to find out, through a series of conversations with multiple people, each corroborating the next, is that my roommate has been talking about me behind my back and trying to turn people against me.

Why had he been doing this, did it play into the whole eviction thing? At the moment I had no idea, but over time the pieces fell into place. I come to find out that the reason he was trying to destroy my reputation was because, in his twisted mind, he believed it would allow him to start a relationship with my ex. But it gets better...and when I say better I mean more convoluted. My ex and I are friends now, nothing more. She apparently has feelings for me still, but is in a relationship, as am I. Neither of us wants to start anything between us other than having a close friendship. She absolutely has no interest in my roommate what so ever and probably never will. So why is the roommate doing all this? All I can figure out is that he is a manipulator, as I have talked with others who he has done the same thing with when he did not get his way. One of which was a mutual friend whom he would bad mouth to me (which I would not partake in at all), all because she kept rejecting his advances.

Anyway, the saga continues...yes, things do get worse. I am now of the opinion that the evil being known as Murphy has been enjoying his taunting of me. Around this time, the week is coming to a close. I have been crashing on a friends couch for a few days but that is up as the owner of the home does not like having people stay over. So I go to check into a motel for the weekend. Upon finalizing the paperwork, I reach for my phone to retrieve a bit of data stored on it, only to find it is missing. So I begin another adventure...while backtracking my last few stops, I end up running over a nail with my car and end up getting a flat tire. At this point I know I have to take care of the tire first and I need to head to my job at the base theatre, so I head in that direction. While checking my ID at the gate, I find that I'm the lucky contestant who gets a random vehicle inspection...which takes about ten minutes. Ten minutes also happens to be the amount of time a tire needed to go from barely usable to entirely flat. I somehow limp my vehicle to the shoppette and get a can of fix'a'flat, use that as well as an air pump to fill and repair my tire. Thankfully my tire is still holding.

At this point I have come to the conclusion that I have probably left my phone somewhere at the college... and unfortunately the coming week is fall break so the entire building (it is a Ju-Co) will be locked up for a week...

On top of all this, I am broke due to various financial strains, so finding a new place is not an option for a while at least. I do have some plans that might just make me enough funds to bring me up out of this (and possibly even take off into not needing to worry about money for a while...but I'm not going to get my hopes up with the way things have been going).

Thankfully I had just done laundry before this whole event so I have clean clothes for a while, a car to sleep in and more time then I know what to do with. As of right now, all I can do is wait and hope my plans work out. I shall know one way or the other in the following week. So I shall update that as soon as I know. So for those of you I try and respond to, if I do not, now you know why, oh, and hope things are going well for everyone, someone has to have the luck somewhere.
Chris - 14 years, 4 months, 11 days ago
I have not kept up with the Tales here as I have created a proper blog out in the digital wilderness. For any of those who wish to keep up with my random rants, visit
The Rantings of a Gothic Atheist
Chris - 14 years, 8 months, 9 days ago
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