Best I LOVE YOU SCENE ever!!!! From The Movie "True Romance" ~~Best Movie Ever~~
True Romance is an American motion picture released in 1993, directed by Tony Scott and written by Quentin Tarantino. It stars Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette in an ensemble cast; the film contains notable performances by some seasoned actors along with early appearances by later stars. It is billed as a "love story", albeit an unconventional one, as the plot revolves around drugs and violence. Clarence Worley (Slater) and Alabama (Arquette) attempt to start a new life for themselves using cocaine stolen from Alabama's former pimp and find themselves on the run from the Mafia, ending in a dramatic double-crossing when the police get involved.
True Romance was a breakthrough of sorts for Tarantino. It was his first screenplay, and he had hoped to direct the movie himself, but ended up selling the script: the money from the sale enabled Tarantino to direct Reservoir Dogs. Unknown"♥whiStler "Dazed
- 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
Hey Everybody!!
Check Out My Store Got 30 awesome things to choose from, so go take a look and buy as many as you like!!!! Unknown"♥whiStler "Dazed
- 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
So, Today I Turn 30..the big 3 - 0.... a new decade to start over and I'll be leaving my 20's behind in the dust! So leave me lotsa presents and LOVE!! Peace In The Middle East Already! Kristopher D Unknown"♥whiStler "Dazed
- 17 years, 2 months, 9 days ago
MY Shop Is Open For Your Pleasure.... Take A Look Around, Any Ideas ??? Ask! **Dont forget to Thumb Me** Unknown"♥whiStler "Dazed
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Time to share is always there
I peered thru life Ever avoiding strife But now am undone My barriers broken For one has found me
Reached in and unbound me
Her love has burst my bonds And set music to my songs Her need for me And mine for she Has made my Winter Spring
A new start With hammering heart We color the world with our dream Nothing is as it did seem The darkness of my solitude is done She - my rising sun. Unknown"♥whiStler "Dazed
- 17 years, 2 months, 24 days ago