Part 15: At some point, the Handsome man noticed that her status was about dreaming of these wonderful rainbow pants that she so truly wanted, but for which she had absolutely no money for. He sent her money to buy them. She could not believe his generosity, not to mention his approval of these wonderful trousers. At this point, she realized that the Handsome Man really did like her the way that she was... and was authentically interested in her happiness.
Hezett "Mooger Fooger"Unwell
- 13 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
Part 14: About two years later, the princess lost her job. And she lost her apartment. The guy she had been seeing had done nothing to find himself an apartment for them to both move into, thus, she was forced to move in with her parents. He was away a lot of the time in the month which she was packing all of the belongings she had accumulated in the last 6 years of having her beloved apartment, and so she was able to talk to the Handsome man a little more than she previously was. Hezett "Mooger Fooger"Unwell
- 13 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
Part 13: The next time the Princess saw the Handsome Man on msn, he was relocated in Quebec and she was having a few problems with the guy she was seeing. Again, they made small talk, and the Princesses boyfriend was quite the jealous type, so most of the time when the Handsome Man messaged her, she was unable to reply to him..... which made her sad. Hezett "Mooger Fooger"Unwell
- 13 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
Part 12: Before he moved away, the Handsome Man asked the princess on a date. The princess wanted to go, so she said yes. Unfortunely, he asked that she meet him fairly far away, which included a lot of walking on the part of the princess, and which she was not able to do on that particular day. The Princess canceled her date with the Handsome Man, and they did not reschedule. The Handsome Man was offline for a week or so, and in that time, the Princess ended up dating someone else. Hezett "Mooger Fooger"Unwell
- 13 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
Part 11: At one point, the Handsome Man came on msn and told her that he had a pair of powerizers that he was trying to sell, because he was moving away to Quebec, and asked if she knew anybody who might be interested in buying these ridiculous super trampoline leg devices. She did find one of her friends who wanted them, and she saw the Handsome Man when he came by her job to drop them off and exchange the money for them. That, unknown to her, would not be the last time she would see him. Hezett "Mooger Fooger"Unwell
- 13 years, 9 months, 4 days ago