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b3g0 | - Free online hangout and friends
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Herds (lead): Asian Pride
Herds: Grammar Geeks, ♡ YELLOW FEVER, THE INDONESIAN HERD, ☆ Little Bear's Kingdom ☆
b3g0's tales
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It's saturday. For once, i'm plagued with choice of where to go.
My choices are:

1) Macau - try earning some money from the casino. Risky.
2) GZ - spend time with cousin. Clubbing.
3) CP - karaoke with some friends who are there.

Of the 3, only 1 option has the chances of me not spending money. In fact, earning money. But it's also the riskiest, cuz i can end up spending a lot more if i went there. So, what do i do? Where do i go?
b3g0 Lazy - 16 years, 4 months, 8 days ago
Ok, i've just sold all my pets cuz none were active. :(
Now i'm trying to look for affordable pets.
My budget's only 70k credz, cuz that's all i've got.
Looking for active pets!!!!
b3g0 Lazy - 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
5th-10th Nov = biz trip to indo
14th-18th Nov = yet another biz trip to indo.

Current time: 9:34am, 14th nov 2008.
Need to depart in 30 mins time.
b3g0 Lazy - 16 years, 4 months, 16 days ago
Ok, i just bloody spent about 1k USD (IN BLOODY CHINA!!!) this past halloween weekend, but i just cant remember how i bloody spent that much!! I remember going to GZ. Getting wasted. Finally had my fill of Cordon Bleu which made me happy. But when i came back and calculated how much i've spent.... i'm too shocked for words.
b3g0 Lazy - 16 years, 4 months, 27 days ago
My cousin who keeps changing or buying new cars every year recently sent me an sms asking if i were to pick between these two cars, which one i would pick. The options were Nissan GTR or Mecedes S-class. Knowing the asshole, i knew he meant to buy a new one and he was asking either to brag about it or he really couldnt make up his mind and was asking for people's opinions.

Nissan GTR being my current favourite car (yet i cant afford one), and i've told him that beforehand.... by saying he's kindda indirectly giving me a slap in the face.

So i replied to his sms with just 1 word: "becak".

(Becak is a 3 wheeled cheap public transportation vehicle which is pedal powered and is common in indonesia)

He simply replied to that by cussing me, "Lanjiao".

To which i replied, "My sentiments exactly!".

I hope he's intelligent enough to get the point.
b3g0 Lazy - 16 years, 5 months, 14 days ago
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ipeh Restart ! - 15 years, 8 months, 23 days ago

*no more caffeine for you* You have been given *no more caffeine for you*.
Crafted by Jenny
meimarce "Naughty Marce" Carefree - 16 years, 22 days ago
i kept pets before , now i am left with 2 guinea pigs haha ,
might be getting a dog soon
Unknown "♥ すきです" Serene - 16 years, 29 days ago
-Rapunzel aiYa-
Enggaklach.. kira'in orang china aseli.. hehe =P
not a real wig siey..
sebenerny itu kemoceng bulu domba, kebetulan warnanya miriip ama warna kucing gw haha XD
alhasil, dya jadi bahan foto2 gw ma kk gw..
-Rapunzel aiYa- "Aiya Aiya Aiyaya" - 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
It's Like I Can Touch You! You have been given It's Like I Can Touch You!.
Crafted by Amberry
meimarce "Naughty Marce" Carefree - 16 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
-Rapunzel aiYa-
hyyaa...dya bisa bahasa indo...
jah..small world.. Oopss..small internet hehe =P
iya kucing gw punya wig sendiri lol
-Rapunzel aiYa- "Aiya Aiya Aiyaya" - 16 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
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b3g0's shop
Pervy b3g0's weird Shop

Doesn't the name already describe it all?
Buy now! The more you buy, the more discount you're gonna get!! =]


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