"If U Think I Look Sweet n Innocent...U Dunno Me! =)~ Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover!!!"
About me:
I Luvs ALL My Masta Owners! I have no problemo with any1 buyin me IF i know yous. If i Dont know u...ill run aways far far away forever! If you missssss mes and want me bak buy moi again! Hmmm lets see now...Let's start with this....I love making new friends! I'm a gamer girl, that's right, gogo online game-age... I'm pretty damn good with Photoshop Pro...thus i guess i could say im a bit of a geek eh!? lol Tattoos...once u get one ur hooked! i have 6 at the moment and know exactly what i want my 7th to be. I love to read about anything and everything ( give or take a little!). I'm a dog person, have 2 fur people of my own, Miko (Miniature Collie) and Sydnie ( 1/2 Bearded Collie 1/2 Standard Poodle). Music's a big part of my day to day life. I've been sick for over 2 years now, undiagnosed so my life's pretty much on hold, well, in terms of school and work anyways but i keep my chin up and deal with what life has handed me! I love to oil paint. I'm not very good at it, i've been told otherwise but regardless i enjoy it so ima do it!
Hey There Ladies n Gents! Just wanted to say hi to everyone and sorry that i haven't been around much. Really haven't been feeling too great. I'll try and check in as often as i can to check in with you all! *MUAHS* xoxoxo ~*~Ashley~*~ Ashley "Missing "
- 16 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
Figured instead of posting up a shit load of pictures and having to scroll for 10 minutes i'd turn some into slide shows. I've gone berserk for taking photos lately so here's some of what ive been up to!
***Pictures i took last night when my bf and i went for a walk along the water***
***Pictures i've taken from my backyard***
***Some New Pictures of The Girls***
Ashley "Missing "
- 16 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
Great show, great dance, and One of my new favorite singers! Ashley "Missing "
- 16 years, 7 months, 16 days ago
Hi Everyone. Just a little message to start. 1st i want to say Thank you to everyone who left me so many messages. i will come by and see u all one on one and leave u a message at some point. I guess u can say that im "back" somewhat. i will be on to check in occasionally to read and reply to messages but i wont be getting back into all the hardcore thumbing as of yet. 2nd, i'm sorry! To all of you i've pissed off, upset, made worry...i truely am sorry! Sorry for not being here for you guys and for being extremely unreliable to say the least. 3rd a little explanation. if anyone at any point saw me online and thought i was ignoring them i wasn't! i hadn't turned my computer on for well over a month. Then i slowly started to just check emails not even once a week. Then FB started 2 weeks ago. here i go rambling all over the place. My facebook auto logs in when i open my web browser and after talking to Kelley i check hp through the fb app and it showed me online whenever i had fb open and fb was open whenever my web browser was open wether i was playing a stupid little game on mindjolt.com or if my bf was using my comp while i slept So ive fixed that so it wont show me on if im not sitting here staring at the page. I just u could say i been fighting a personal battle and the bad guys are winning. I've been a tad better but not great. But this only started after. it first started off with my pain getting a lot worse. i could barely even get out of bed for over a week and i only did when i had too. Then my moreale went way down and *Kaboom* exploded. It's only been the last 2 weeks ive been back on facebook, not a lot either, and today i've sat down and checked up on my HP stuff. If anyone wants to add me to MSN or FB send me a msg and ill get back to u the next time i check hp. Again, i'm sorry for not being here for u if and when u needed me and having some of you worried! love u all and hope ur having a great weekend!
Ashley "Missing "
- 16 years, 7 months, 16 days ago
Hey Guys! I made a new herd earlier today called "Lil Minx's Spam n Thumb" You're all welcome to stop by and check it out and join if you like! A Few simple rules but nothing crazy. I want it to be a place where we can have fun while getting our points! Would love to see you guys there! http://humanpets.com/herdProfile.php?hid=34342
Ashley "Missing "
- 16 years, 9 months, 15 days ago