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"Brat aka lucky "
"♥My TrikerBabe"
105000 pts
"Brat aka lucky "
89253 pts
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Unknown's tales
Well, Tripp is definitely living up to his name ,and is at that terrible kitten stage where he has to sink his teeth into everything around him, but at least they've all grown in now!! :) He's an absolutley adorable terror, and I really love having him around! Even Mamashitty is starting to tolerate him and not beat on him quite so much! lol Poor old lady, nothing like being a 24yr old cat and having a kitten dropped on you!! If you've actually read this- thank you, and I hope you have a terrific day! :)...
Unknown "Brat aka lucky " Naughty
- 16 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
Bringing my new furry baby home in time for x-mas.I pick him up on the 21rst! I'm very excited!! He's an 11 week old,male norwegian kitten,and his name is Tripp, as in trip the light fantastic, and I'm going to be tripping over him...lol
Unknown "Brat aka lucky " Naughty
- 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Well, back safe and sound!! Sturgis was awesome again this year!!! I'll post a pic of the new tattoo and some other photos from my trip later!! Hope this finds everyone well!
Unknown "Brat aka lucky " Naughty
- 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
Well, I was invited to be turned into a zombie for a day...It was actually quite a lot of fun, and I wouldn't mind doing it again!
Unknown "Brat aka lucky " Naughty
- 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
Well, after having to take an extended break, I'm back! lol Poor world!!! My surgery went pretty well, and I'm currently healing up. I'm sorry for ignoring everyone, and I will try to catch up on all the petting and treats that you all need to be happy spoiled pets!
Unknown "Brat aka lucky " Naughty
- 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago
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