My Weapon Of Choice
When I get this certain feeling,
I can go on for days.
Writing what's in my mind
filling all the empty spaces,
letting all of my emotions out
and putting them into something.
Like songs and poems things like that,
and it helps to ease the pain.
Why do I do this best,
when things are all going wrong?
I guess it's when my mind works best
for some reason don't ask me why.
There are all these emotions in me,
overflowing like an unattended tap.
Everything seems to come out all at once,
my mind it just lets lose.
Like a gun fired by a shaky finger,
from someone with issues.
Letting all their anger out
on innocent people.
Now I'm not crazy,
I know that for sure,
but if a pen were a weapon
I would be a deadly force.
It's my weapon of choice
when I need to explode.
Letting all of my emotions out like this
is my way of letting go
of everything that's happening
to me at times in my life.
Like when fires are lit within my soul
and cut me like a knife.
Sometimes I rhyme,
and others I ramble on and on.
When I look back when I am done,
and see all the scribble,
it all makes sense to me though,
and helps me to sleep easier.
And now that my fire is out,
till it is lit again,
I'll have my escape from it all,
when I pick up my weapon my pen.
Unknown "Army Man" Crazy
- 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago