a historic moment in time
obama won the presidency.
and well, to put it simply, i am very excited.
change is coming and it started tonight.
i am looking forward to the future, because tonight i was reassured that people still have the power
it might not seem like it all the time or even most of the time, but we do
i am so glad to be apart of this historical moment
the first black president of the u.s.a
i am glad i was alive to witness this day in history.
i was beginning to feel like my generation really havent witnessed or done anything to great.
yes, we got the internet
9/11 only made us more frightened of the unknown
and congress was too worried about a president getting his freak on, than about running our nation.
but now we have something.
something real.
our next mountain..... equal rights for gays/lesbians/bi/transgenders.
i hope im alive to witness that too.
my only request...lets not take 200 years to do it
Melissa Kauth "abda" Dazed
- 16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago