I miss when everyone was on Human Pets. I feel lonely. Jennifer Tulett"J.T."Lonely
- 15 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
Plans are starting to pop out of the water to attend Blizzcon this year. It actually sounds like it might happen. SQUEE! I'm really excited. If the rest of our friends back down, Im tempted to get airline tickets and pay out the extra money from not having 10 people to split the bill. Ive wanted to go for the last 2 years, and didnt make it...so dammit! This year I'm going. Well....it was that, Penny Arcade Expo, or E for All. *shrug* Blizzcon is FTW though. Jennifer Tulett"J.T."Lonely
- 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
You may officially stalk me on WoW *gasp* No seriously, I don't care if you log on and say hi or I wouldn't be posting this. It's not like I'm saying "HEY, here's my name and address, but don't come to my house" Siearrah was my first character, and my original raider (MC, BWL, AW40, SSC, TK, Mt Hyjal, ect) Katrianna was my first alt, but still isn't 70. I leveled the paladin because I was told I couldn't do it...so I did *snickers at TJ* The hunter is on the PMS server for WoW, so I rolled there so I could play with them. It's a nice break from my other toons and the people (not that I don't dearly love them all).
I have other random alts (as you can see on Kat's pic) but they weren't really worth picturing.
As to the horde/alliance question...I wish I was horde. All my IRL friends played alliance, so even though Siearrah was originally an undead lock, I rolled alliance so I could play with my friends. /sadface
*edit* ahahaa I just looked at the pics in the tale, the words are too small to stalk me *snickers* If you're really that curious though, just ask =P
Jennifer Tulett"J.T."Lonely
- 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
ah back in the day...this song always gets stuck in my head. Soon I'll actually figure out how to post my FRAPS videos online without them getting BIGGER when I compress them with VirtualDub >.<
Jennifer Tulett"J.T."Lonely
- 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
This is the video I use to obsess over (It isnt on youtube anymore, so I cant post the video, but I'll post the link to where I did find it on Daily Motion)
However, after doing a search for Dark Willow videos, I came across this one and I think I have to agree with Brian. Williow beats Drusilla...I admit this against my better judgement because I was so obsessed with Dru for so long...I think the thing about Dru is her mannerisms and personality. *nods*
I found when I watched that season, after each episode I wanted to shoot myself in the head. Could it get any more depressing? Jennifer Tulett"J.T."Lonely
- 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago