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"Deliciously Dark"
"***adam doll****"
9438 pts
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Unknown's tales
Oh hey, guess what. My husband and I accidentally joined the breeder trend. I mean, we're having a mini-us in November. We'll find out the gender July 7th. ;]
Unknown "Deliciously Dark" Unwell
- 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
I know I haven't updated in awhile, but I'm still here! I'm just kind of distracted by a few avatar sites and VF and whatnot. Today I'm going with my mother to look at a horse she wants to buy. If I remember, I'll try and let y'all know how it goes.
Unknown "Deliciously Dark" Unwell
- 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
It's 3am and I have to be up at 6am. I figure I just won't sleep for the next, oh, 24 hours. o_o I haven't slept in the past 13. My eyes are gonna be so red. Erg.
Unknown "Deliciously Dark" Unwell
- 17 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
I'm going to be REALLY busy these next couple days, just as I'm sure everyone else is. I reconciled with my family, which means: wake up early, wrap gifts, get all pretty, go to party, come home late, get up at 6, go to breakfast/gift opening/ party, go see Sweeny Todd, go to other party, come home and crash. Ahahaha. Also, I'm stressed because I'm convinced my hubby's car is going to get us all killed. The belt that powers the generator and power steering and stuff keeps coming off, because one of the bearings is crooked, and so the car dies and he can't steer. SO, if you don't hear from me for a long time, thaaat's prolly why. Happy Holidays, lovelies. <3
Unknown "Deliciously Dark" Unwell
- 17 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
All good pets must sleep at some time. 2am, and now I'm so tired. I will try to be back tomorrow, after visiting the mate's family for Sunday lunch.
Unknown "Deliciously Dark" Unwell
- 17 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
Cuddley Wuddlies!
You know you wants them.
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is gonna be a dad !!!
"Missed x 2 :("
50 pts
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