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"Head of the gard"
9000 pts
"healer of hearts"
4200 pts
"Sister of swords"
2000 pts
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Unknown's tales
Sitting in the new apartment with the two cat's Michael's cat is older and sometimes still fights with the kitten. Samus and Sheppard are funny to watch. MSNBC on tv talking about everything going on. Miss my family but Grad school is fun Living here is kinda like a hippie fun dream.
Unknown "®SweetKittiE®" Loyal
- 16 years, 7 months, 5 days ago
Get up at 6:30 it still feels like 5:30 go to teach 7:30 class realize halfway there that walking 6 blocks at 7:15 Still is no fun Get to class teach. Get out of class go to Graduate class take notes make sure you are on pace for all assignments. Another class for me Then office hours. Oh wait I got a second job so go to that from office hours work for 5 hours then Social life then study stuff till 1 am time for bed do my Nightly calls with my sweetie Then off to the land of dreams to do it again in the morning.
Unknown "®SweetKittiE®" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
New Years eve and what did I do... Ate dinner with friends early then came home and watched the ball drop by myself. But the picture message kiss exchage two hours later was quite entertaining. Today started packing now have bags and boxes ready for travel as well as my dressers.. Should be interesting to set up. *sigh* Happy new year I'm looking to moving on Saturday and picking up boy from the airport Sunday
Unknown "®SweetKittiE®" Loyal
- 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago
Ok so Saturday night my roommate and I were gonna go to the movie theater where our other two roommates were working to see I Am Legend. Of course there was a Huge snow storm but we tried to go anyway. STUPID IDEA!!! We got on the interstate which wasn't cleaned off and Bang caught the ice and went sliding. we went down the embankment and rolled the car pretty much totalling the car and landing it against a tree. I'm bruised and she is very upset. This week I have been driving her to work and meeting her at the Metro to pick her up while she gets the Insuarance money for a new car. OYE. I hurt badly but other than that I'm alive and kicking
Unknown "®SweetKittiE®" Loyal
- 17 years, 2 months, 21 days ago
I drove The man to the airport yesterday morning. He hasn't seen his family since July. It was such a wonderful thing to hear his voice so happy when he got home. On my way back I stopped and a friends house and hung out with some of my dear friends who live farther away ate lunch with them and wandered around in the sunny weather It was very nice. I love days like that
Unknown "®SweetKittiE®" Loyal
- 17 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
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