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Desi | - Free online hangout and friends
Douglas owns this human at 300000 points.


Desi , 46/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:05 AM
Join date:17 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
Location: Lamar, SC United States

"Dwelling in the shadows, for the sunlight is too bright."
About me:
First off, I'm not available in any way, shape, or form.

I'm not a submissive person, but I submit to one. I try to be loving, kind, giving, and helpful.. but sometimes I'm just not. No matter what, I try to be polite.

I have 2 lovely little girls (see the pictures below) and 3 wonderful (black) cats (also pictured below) and a pretty puppy (not pictured below).
About you:
I'm honestly not interested in meeting anyone. Friends are fine, but I'm interested in nothing but simple conversation.
Looking for:
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds (lead): Random thoughts, My Fiction, The Salon Experience., Helpful Thoughts, Henna Lovers
Herds: MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, z2 - Basement Dwellers, A place to disappear..., ECHO'S IN THE DARK, Ghost Hunters, Scrapbooking Mamas, Coalition for Better Auctions, People of Polyamory, Discworld pets, Carolina, y'all, Kink For Real, Life after Carousel Life after30, Thumb Charlie Here, -~*Pocky Ninjas*~-, The Dreaming, Blackbirds, MMss exsclusive, To Write Love On Her Arms, The Rain of Krisdom, ~ღBinary Solidersღ~, The Athenaeum, Leaders of Language Learning

"我 的 怪物"
381737 pts
Desi's tales
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Well, here i am, pimping a link, only because i'd really love a chance to win some of this stuff....

back into the shadows, and away from this place.
Desi - 15 years, 3 months, 10 days ago
The main reason for staying here has now left and closed his account completely.

I am following in his wake, but keeping my account open so people can enjoy the gifts we shared with each other, and so if someone wants to contact us, they're able. Be warned, it might take a long time before (if you ever) get a reply.

Be safe, be careful...

Desi - 15 years, 4 months ago
What happens when you fall in love with someone?

Lots of things.. Sometimes you change everything about yourself so that you can better love and honor that one person. You devote your life to being what you *THINK* they want you to be.

What do you do when they throw that in your face, and do to you what you vowed you'd never let yourself do to them? When the change you made is so painful that going back to the way things were is a daunting task that hurts just as bad the second time around. What do you do when the person you love lies to you or excludes you and tells you that they can't help it, they're in love?

How much do you tolerate before you break into millions of pieces? And how do you let them know you're breaking, but love them so much you're willing to be broken until there's nothing left but dust? What do you do when your heart cracks a little bit more every time they talk to them?

What do you do when the person who's receiving their attentions doesn't want it or doesn't care? How can you watch the person you love and adore hurt because of the way they feel?

Why can't love be easy? Why must it hurt so much? Why?
Desi - 15 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
I sit...
Things to ease my pain -

So lovely,
my heart -
exploded into millions of glittering fragments...
drifting gently to earth...
I dance alone...
I am alone.

As the fragments fall,
I see...
I watch...
Almost distantly...
My own death raining around me...
I am...
Desi - 15 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of it and the next 3 sentences on your tales along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.

Book Title - John dies at the end
Author - David Wong

Those who weren't stung had cleared out of the room fast, but now the creatures were huddled around the exits in black clumps, sealing the escape routes.
I flinched at the sound of a sharp gunshot, spun to see a middle-aged lady holding a little chrome pistol she had pulled from her purse. She shot one of the things, killed it, took shots at another, missed.
Desi - 16 years, 8 months, 12 days ago
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In My Dreams, I'm Free! You have been given In My Dreams, I'm Free!.
Crafted by Loz
Douglas "我 的 怪物" - 15 years, 4 months, 1 day ago

I Move The Stars For No One... You have been given I Move The Stars For No One....
Crafted by LadY HeatheN
Douglas "我 的 怪物" - 15 years, 4 months, 1 day ago

there are no others You have been given there are no others.
Crafted by Christyne
Douglas "我 的 怪物" - 15 years, 4 months, 1 day ago

words are all i have... You have been given words are all i have....
Crafted by anamika
Douglas "我 的 怪物" - 15 years, 4 months, 1 day ago

Crazy emotions You have been given Crazy emotions.
Crafted by Unknown
Douglas "我 的 怪物" - 15 years, 4 months, 1 day ago

Freedom You have been given Freedom.
Crafted by Unknown
Douglas "我 的 怪物" - 15 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
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Desi's shop
by DESI(gn)

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an autograph from Neil Gaiman
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an autograph from Neil Gaiman
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i miss you
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i miss you
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200 pts
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a hushing.
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200 pts
a hushing.
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a cuddle party
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a cuddle party
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a Look
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a Look
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a trip to see buffalo
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a trip to see buffalo
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a trip to pet stingrays.
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200 pts
a trip to pet stingrays.
Bought by 9 people
butterfly wings.
1 use

200 pts
butterfly wings.
Bought by 10 people
a puppet show.
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a puppet show.
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a day at the salon.
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200 pts
a day at the salon.
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birthday cake.
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200 pts
birthday cake.
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birthday wishes.
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200 pts
birthday wishes.
Bought by 11 people
a nap with Cthulhu.
1 use

200 pts
a nap with Cthulhu.
Bought by 8 people
henna work on your arm.
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henna work on your arm.
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