If any of you are easily offended, stop reading here. SERIOUSLY.
I posted this as an outlet, as it was one of the many things bouncing around in my head. I was goofing with my bro, and simply came up with it.
I make no apologies to those who kept reading, and will now want to go, "Phil, how could you say that?!"
Simple - I typed it. Try it. Your fingers can make words too! And now, without further ado:
When the whore makes u sick from a-sucking your dick, that's STD;
When the girl makes you itch, damn that crabby old bitch! That's STD;
When your balls, they get scabs, cuz the slut gave you crabs, that's STD;
Pus-y Warts, in your shorts, thanks to germy cohorts, THAT'S STD!!!!!
Phil Landsberg "מענטש" Ferocious
- 16 years, 5 months, 13 days ago