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That came out of WHERE?? | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: That came out of WHERE??
Led by Phil Landsberg | 3 members

As it says in the description, we're intersted in your "leftovers."

If you your lunch made you lubed and loose, we want to know about it.

Dinner make you thinner?? Tell us here!

Did your food make it smell?? Do tell!!!

Snack Breakfast make you make fast? Well, you get the idea....

Obviously, posting pictures is NOT necessary, (But most certainly Allowed). This is NOT an episode of "Red Poo Diaries.", so clean pics only please ( Although, if it WAS red, or ANY other unusual color, we'd love to hear about it. The how, and why, at least.)

Herd leaders

Phil Landsberg Phil Landsberg "מענטש‎" Ferocious