As she opens up the bottle,
Drops one more small pill in her hand
Searching for the answers
Trying to get rid of pain she cant stand
With every empty bottle
And all the broken glass
It shouldnt take much longer now
All she waits for is time to pass
Her eyes are now glazed over
Her hands are starting to shake
She's taking drastic measures
Just because of a teenage heartbreak
Was there no other way
To get her though the pain
She obviously couldnt find it
Because now she is sticking a needle in her vein
She is tourturing herself to find an answer
Her eyes are burning from all the tears
Mascara stained eyes and all of her lies
This was one of her greatest fears
She pulls herself up from the floor
And is walking down the hall
All the drugs have started to effect her
She stumbles to the bathroom trying not to fall
She makes her way over to the mirror
Oh God, she looks like a mess
With the tears, fears, and all the lost years
She is losing her mind more or less
Soon she is climbing out the window
She has decided to steal the car
She sticks the key in the ignition
There is no way she is making it very far
She is ready to get this over
And she decides it's talking longer than it should
If wrecking the car doesnt kill her
The drugs, pills, and booze surely would
Next she is skidding out of the drive-way
She pushes hard down on the gas
The cars in front of her are going slow
Instead of stoping she decides to pass
Her eyes were blurry with all the tears
And she was feeling tipsy from all the booze
She was so scared, she let the music blare
the next thing you know shes on the morning news
She never saw that desil coming
There never was a way
Too bad she wont live to see
The light of another day..
Leigha You Know "Cutie (NFS!) " Feisty
- 17 years, 2 days ago