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Rymel | - Free online hangout and friends
KALEIDOSCOPE owns this human at 57882 points.



Rymel , 43/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:17 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
Location: Staten Island, NY United States

"neon trails on a blacklight skyline"
About me:
to sum it up: otaku, raver, tech geek, gamer. if it's interesting, i'll do it. if it buzzes, whirrs, rolls, flies, tumbles, smokes, explodes, sparks, drifts, dives, better get me in on it.

i'm boring, but not. anyone who knows me knows i'm usually doing SOMETHING though, and more often than not i'm not home because of it. though i'll be online just as much as i'm out. i can't try and explain myself, so i'm not gonna. you're either an old friend or you find me interesting if you're here, so what's good yo? lastly... RAVERRRRS GET READY!

About you:
always lookin to meet fun people. otaku. ravers, punkheads, gothers, rivetheads n riotgrrls. geeks who aren't retarded (yea you know what i'm talkin about). people who don't have a stick up their ass.

check the attitude and come correct, and we'll all have a good time.

message me! i love meeting new people, and i don't bite unless you want me to ;)

Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Intellectual Experimentalists, 300, ☆___Ninjas Unite___☆, ANIME LOVERS, New York Unleashed!

60 pts

50 pts

50 pts
Rymel's tales
TOKYO IN 23 DAYS! amped! too bad i don't know anyone there...
Rymel "NinjaVamp" Naughty - 14 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
i go to too many damn anime conventions. maybe i should cut that down...nah.

last trip - this past weekend. where? nekocon - hampton, va.
next trip - anime usa, dc.
Rymel "NinjaVamp" Naughty - 15 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
so i blew out a video card, had my iphone stolen, gotten t-stormed on twice, and ripped my favorite pair of pants. i blew money on buying a video card RETAIL since i was using my iphone as supplementary internet access til i ordered a replacement off newegg. that was 2 days before i lost my phone, and i can't afford a new iphone since i owe rent this week. and i have no idea how to sew back this rip. that's just been this past WEEK. this month is ending SPECTACULARLY.
Rymel "NinjaVamp" Naughty - 15 years, 7 months, 24 days ago
Y'know it's been happening for years, but it didn't bother me THAT much until last night -- i shut down lights.

Not just any lights, as far as i can remember it's just service lights like street lamps and hall/stairway lights. y'know, ones that are worn with age and are of questionable integrity, but still serviceable. they just go off when i'm within maybe a 10 ft vicinity of them, or less. they go back on once i've cleared it by 100 ft abouts. my friend suggests i either absorb energy or disrupt fields (ie electrical), but uh, i dunno about that. that'd be pretty cool though.

Now why would it bother me now? i was leaving my house and 3 went off in sequence as i walked down the block. not in a row, mind you. every few lights. i found it rather weird and noir-ish. they, too, also went back on once i got a short distance from them. it weirded out a guy working on his car halfway down the block after he noticed the second one did it. happens a bit far too often to be coincidence in my opinion. last night i also managed to disrupt a friend's entire network for about an hour, including his pc and psp. i should be an x-man pokemon. pika pika.
Rymel "NinjaVamp" Naughty - 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago

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Sweetly Evil One You Cant Have
i got this just for you lost pet
Shh... I'm your Love Ninja You have been given Shh... I'm your Love Ninja.
Crafted by Justina Red
Sweetly Evil One You Cant Have "Snookums" I'M AWESOME!! - 14 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
Sweetly Evil One You Cant Have
you get some.................
Ownie Love You have been given Ownie Love.
Crafted by Amanda Ritchie
Sweetly Evil One You Cant Have "Snookums" I'M AWESOME!! - 14 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
well other than the fact that I was assaulted by an ungrateful squirrel and had to wear a stupid IV for a week lol............ been pretty durn good :D you?
Good Times You have been given Good Times.
Crafted by Jackyll
Mouse "Lolth" Carefree - 14 years, 9 months, 20 days ago

came by to say hello You have been given came by to say hello.
Crafted by -M-
Leilani - 14 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
I tried cutting it off a while back and growing out a normal hair do bu tthat didn't last too long lol, the hawk is back!
zombie jesus You have been given zombie jesus.
Crafted by christopher
Mouse "Lolth" Carefree - 14 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
you've been looking at it the whole time
its in the name XP
DjDevistation "DJkitteh" Growling - 14 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
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