I'm an English major at LA Tech on the verge of graduating and starting on my Associates in Massage Therapy! I love anime, manga, writing, drawing, horror films and video games! (And sleeping too.) In the way of music, I especially enjoy JRock/Pop (GACKT!) and classic southern rock. One day, I hope to teach English in Japan and/or be an interpretor there while writing novels on the side. Most times, I can be found on FFXI's Kujata server.
About you:
A great sense of humor! Make me laugh, make me purr.
Unknown"Unblock me Casey"Tender
- 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
The Slayers Season One Opening - Get Along
The Slayers Season One Ending - Kujikenaikara !
Unknown"Unblock me Casey"Tender
- 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
Mask - Sorcerer Hunters Ending
Unknown"Unblock me Casey"Tender
- 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
*EDIT* The video I originally posted was deleted. ; ; Please ignore the Tokyo Mew Mew flashes in this. It's the only one I could find that was complete and not a fandub.
Ouchi ga Ichiban (Home Is the Best Thing) - Chi's Sweet Home OPENING **Sing Along with the lyrics written below!!**
(The translation is in astericks. In parenthesis is the standard pronunciation as Chi sings using her own way of saying words.)
みてみて みんな Mite mite minna *Look look everybody* おもちろいね Omochiroi ne (omoshiroine) *It's fun, isn't it?* いろんなの かじる、なめる Iron nano kajiru nameru *Gnawing, licking and plunging claws into* ツメ立ててみうよ Tsume tatete miuyo (tsume tatete miruyo) *Lots of kind of things*
みゃあ みゃあ Mya- Mya- *Meow Meow* おうちに帰んなきゃ Ouchi ni kaen nakya *I gotta go home now*
いつのまにか見つけてた Itsuno manika mitsuketeta *A gentle place that I found* やさしいばしょ Yasashii basho *Before I knew it*
ごきげんれーす Gokigen re-su (Gokigendesu) *I'm happy* ミウクいっぱい うれちー Miuku ippai urechii (Miruku ippai ureshii) *Full of milk pleases me* 遊んだあとは なでられてごきげん Asonda atowa naderarete gokigen *Being rubbed after playing makes me happy*
いたらきまーす Itarakimasu (itadakimasu) *It's time to eat* おいちいものでポンポン Oichii monode pon pon (Oishii monode pon pon) *And I'm full with yummy stuff* ねころんでしあわせ Nekoronde shiawase *And lie down feeling happy* ころりん・・・おねむ・・・ Kororin...Onemu... *Flop...Sleepy...*
さてさて さんぽ Satesate sampo *Well well taking a walk* えものどこら? Emono dokora? *Where's a bag?* きえたった まわるさがす Kietatta (kiechatta) mawaru sagasu *It's gone, turn around and look for it* だれもいなくなっちゃった Daremo inaku nacchatta *And everybody else's gone*
みゃう みゃう Myau Myau *Meow Meow*
おうちに帰りたい Ouchi ni kaeritai *I wanna go back home* ひとりぼっち やめまちた Hitoribocchi yamemachita (yamemashita) *I quit being all alone* おおいそぎれ Ooisogire (ooisogide) *I go back home in hurry* たらいまれーす Taraimare-su (tadaima desu) *To say "I'm home"* しっぽふって よろちく Shippo futte yorochiku (yoroshiku) *Wiggling my tail, "Yoroshiku"* のびのびのびて おふとんにとつげき Nobi nobi nobite ofuton ni totsugeki *Stretch stretch stretch and jump onto bed*
お話ちきーて Ohanachi (ohanashi) ki-te *Let me tell you my story*
ぼうけんちたよドキドキ Bouken chitayo (shitayo), Doki Doki *I went on an adventure, was excited!* でもここがいちばん Demo koko ga ichiban *But here is the best place*
うにゃにゃ? うにゃにゃ! Unyanya? Unyanya!
ごきげんれーす Gokigen re-su (Gokigendesu) *I'm happy* ミウクいっぱい うれちー Miuku ippai urechii (Miruku ippai ureshii) *Full of milk pleases me* 遊んだあとは なでられてごきげん Asonda atowa naderarete gokigen *Being rubbed after playing makes me happy*
いたらきまーす Itarakimasu (itadakimasu) *It's time to eat* おいちいものでポンポン Oichii monode pon pon (Oishii monode pon pon) *And I'm full with yummy stuff* ねころんでしあわせ Nekoronde shiawase *And lie down feeling happy* おうちならしあわせ Ouchi nara shiawase *I'm happy as long as I'm at home*
ころりん・・・おねむ・・・ Kororin...Onemu... *Flop...Sleepy...* Unknown"Unblock me Casey"Tender
- 16 years, 9 months, 19 days ago
Dream Theater - Beyond This Life Unknown"Unblock me Casey"Tender
- 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago
Your one-stop-shop for all Chi's Sweet Home and clover/luck items! Unpopular items are constantly being replaced. Send me messages about your favorite items and I'll give you more of that type! Check back frequently for slashed prices!