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I guess he convinced this Jessie girl to give him $3000 to go to Canada to be with her. I can't really feel anything but sad for her. She will never see that money again and she's about to go through a lot of hell.
Unknown "milfy" Tired - 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago

I also found out from another person, that Chris had planned to move to Canada to be with this girl days prior (when I confronted him aftter seeing his "relationship status" he said it wasn't even going to happen for a year .. another lie) when he lied and said he was going to Missouri. I kicked his ass out of my apartment and told him to go sleep on the street. I don't know nor care where the hell he is right now but I hope that dumb girl realizes what she is getting herself into before it's too late and ends up like me.

I'm in debt over a thousand now because my landlord took away my security deposit and is charging me for the remainder of his stay after that. that's probably about $600 and then over $500 for everything else. I'll let you do the math. Also, I might have miscarried my child. My pregnancy symptoms have started to subside and I keep having bad cramping. I have an appt with my OBGYN on Tuesday and I'm hoping everything is ok, but if he made me lose my baby, he's lucky if I don't.. well let's not say that on here.

But don't waste your time on that piece of shit, lousy excuse for a "man".
Unknown "milfy" Tired - 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
I met Chris on myspace. We started talking and he seemed like a nice, sensitive kind of guy. We talked for a couple days on the phone and then he said he just had to meet me so I said he could come for a couple days... he stayed for 5 and that was a bit uncomfortable but I dealt with it. While there, he convinced me to have sex with him (he can be very persuasive). After only being there about 2 days about only talking a couple days on the phone previously, he said he was in love with me. I was like "what?" b/c honestly we didn't even even know each other.. he got drunk and freaked out on me and said if i didn't start dating him right then and love him then he was leaving and everything would just be over. I was interested in him so I gave in and said we were in a relationship and that I loved him. I felt rocky from the start and I knew I wasn't in love with him yet as I barely knew him. As time went on, he was living with some family that took him in and all they asked of him was a job. He hadn't gotten one and so they basically said we can't support you anymore, get out. He made them seem like the culprits and being in-like wth him, i believed him. He forced himself into my apartment, saying that either he move in with me or he moves to Pennsylvania. I didn't want him to go so I gave in again and let him move in with me.. even though I knew I wasn't supposed to have anyone else living there. In the meantime, he destroyed my friendship with two of my friends and twisted my head to think that they were the most horrible people in the world and I went on hating them for three months without ever really knowing why. During his stay, he guilted me into buying him cigarettes and 2 liter bottles of mountain dew every day, because he smoked over a pack a day and drank that much soda daily. He made it seem as if I was a horrible person if I didn't do this "small task" for him. I was poor though. I mean dead poor and my bank account was in the negatives. He promised that by the end of the first week he would go look for a job. The end of the week came and went and all he did was sit on my computer till 9am playing video games and talking to a few different people (all women) on Human Pets, a facebook application. Another week or so passed and he developed Multiple Sclerosis and was in the hospital for 3 days. I was there every second I could be... and while I was there, he belittled me and treated me like I was shit in front of people and all I was trying to do was be supportive and helpful. While in the hospital, he called everyone he had ever met in his life to tell them about his MS so that he could get pity. He seemed to thrive on the pity. Once he had told everyone, he didn't bother to care to call anyone back again, because he'd gotten what he wanted. (didnt even call his parents back or the people who had housed him for so long). So now he had an excuse not to do anything and he milked it for all it was worth. He still did nothing but sit on the computer talking to girls and playing games all night and sleeping all day. He started talking to one girl quite often and I would see some of the things they would say to each other and he would yell at me and tell him it was none of my business and he was doing nothing wrong because he just has a "flirty personality" and manipulate me into being quiet. As time went on, he healed and there was no excuse for him to not get a job, yet he used a numb hand as an excuse now. He said he couldn't feel anything and therefore could not function. I saw him playing those computer games and chatting away online and his hand worked just fine. I began to confront him about it and we started fighting regularly. During these fights he would back me into corners, grab my wrists and twist then, hold my face and not let me move, scream and spit in my face from screaming so hard, and tell me how much he'd like to hit me. He didn't like how brave I was getting.. but I was getting pissed because he was such a lazy asshole. I also noticed that he'd be up later and later at night talking to this one girl Jessie. He'd talk as if they were just friends and he was just helpign her with problems with her boyfriend. Turns out he was doing a lot more.. I had a feeling the whole time, but didn't say anything because we already fought enough and he would deny everything about it constantly. He would say he loved me and cared for me and wanted to marry me in a year. I knew then that I didn't want to and that somehow I was going to have to get out of the relationship before it got even worse. Everytime he said I love you, in ym head I'd think "well i dont love you and I wish you'd go... LEAVE!"... but I never said anything. I knew that what we had was bad and he was taking advantage of me.

I almost forgot, I also had obtained a 3500 refund from my college. After paying my rent, I have about 2000 left over. His eyes glistened when I brought the check home and he began thinking of ways that he could spend it.. and he did: constant ordering out, new top-of-the-line clothes, and various other things. I'm now at less than $300 and until recently haven't spent anything for myself. I bought a couple of cheap shirts about a week ago, it's all I can afford. If I wanted to buy anything for myself, he would lecture me that we needed to save the money for another apartment but when it came to something he wanted, he had to have it and if I said no, I was a bitch. It went like that in a continous cycle.

Moving from where I left off before. About 3 weeks ago, I started to feel really sick. I went to the emergency room (he came along reluctantly).. the doctors did a bunch of tests and told me I was 6 weeks pregnant. He seemed as if he'd just gotten shot and when the doctors left the room, he started to yell at me and act as if it was all my fault and that I had ruined his life and all his goals.. and I'm thinking im the one going to school, working, and trying to make it in life, you hide on the computer pretending to be this great understanding guy who lures girls into him web.. and your life is the one that suffers. We went home and fought some more. I didnt want him to be there anymore. He told me he wished I would miscarry.. repeatedly and I hated him even more then.. but being who I am, I couldnt just kick someone out who didn't have a home. We grew even more apart then and the fighting got worse. It seemed as if my pregnancy had gotten in the way of some plans of his... a couple weeks later I found out what they were. We had decided that we weren't compatible and he said he was moving to Missouri to stay with a friend. He convinced me to give him $40 to overnight deliver a copy of his birth certificate which had been ruined. He said his uncle was sending him $600 and he was going to pay me back when the money was wired... turns out after a couple days that all of a sudden his uncle can't do it. This looks fishy and I start getting more angry with him.

I came home from school one day, took a nap because I was feeing awful. When I woke up I went onto facebook and saw that he was in a relationship with someone. I went to his profile and go figure. All of a sudden he was dating the Jessie girl who he was "just friends" with online. I told him to go fuck himself and kicked him out of my room and told him to be gone by morning. He said he needed to make a phone call to set up something. I threw it at him. Later I came out and he was chatting with someone on my phone. I said no personal calls and took it away. When I returned to my computer some time later, I had a message from someone that knew Chris and Jessie and she told me they had been secretly dating for almost two months and that most of the people that they all knew didn't even know I existed.
Unknown "milfy" Tired - 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
My pregnancy symptoms have started to subside. I'm so worried that Chris caused me to miscarry. I have an appt with my OBGYN on Tuesday. I'm praying to God everything is okay.. because I'm so frantic with worry that it's all I think about and I can't focus on Easter or anything else at all.
Unknown "milfy" Tired - 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
Unknown "milfy" Tired - 17 years, 1 day ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #458) *derived* You have been derived
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 15 years, 8 months, 9 days ago
Hope you're well

Unknown "Beyond Adored{F}" Sexy - 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago

You have been given A Kitty Guardian Angel.
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Chris "chris g" Rabid - 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago

You have been given For you!.
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Chris "chris g" Rabid - 16 years, 10 months, 24 days ago

You have been given Relaxing Massage.
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Unknown "Sir's Leah" Sparkling - 16 years, 10 months, 24 days ago

You have been given Auw, you're such a cutie pie!.
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Chris "chris g" Rabid - 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Cherish's House of Awesomeness!

Completely random BS! Enjoy!

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