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"SeXy Cait"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: VIP - Very Important Pets, Nakedity Now, ~Ink & Steel~, Grammar Geeks

4437 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
My dorm room has become a haven for lady bugs. I find at least one a day crawling up and down my walls. They like to hang out by my bed cuz the reading light there gives off lots of heat. Luckily lady bugs are pretty much the only bug I will touch without spazzing out, lol.
Unknown "SeXy Cait" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
Over the last month I feel like I've really been coming to grips with a lot of stuff in my life and perhaps not bettering myself, but at least improving how I feel about myself and my life. Few people know this, and maybe only one (other than myself) understands it, but I went through a pretty rough patch this past fall for many reasons and it took me til January to really get things together emotionally. Maybe I just needed to go home, maybe I just needed time, maybe it was meeting new people and putting myself out there again... who knows. I'm still taking things somewhat slowly but I'm trying to put myself out there, take risks, deal with disappointments, and most of all enjoy this new beginning. More than anything, I want to be honest with myself and others and to be happy. I want to live a life I can be proud of, I want to take chances, I want to reach for something big. And if it doesn't quite work, no big deal, but at least I'm trying and I figure that's more than most people can say.
Unknown "SeXy Cait" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
I realized as soon as I finished writing my previous "tale" that I might sound superficial, like I only enjoy meeting attractive people, and that's certainly not true. Sometimes it's your personality, your sense of humor, or your chivalry that make you a cute guy. A pretty face will only get you so far and I'm not one for eye candy. If all I wanted was an attractive accessory on my arm, I'd buy a handbag.
Unknown "SeXy Cait" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago

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You have been given Tequila shots.
Crafted by Unknown
Thomas Ferocious - 16 years, 4 months, 6 days ago

You have been given the future.
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Unknown "MIA Monkey" Perplexed - 16 years, 10 months, 4 days ago
hello my new pet
Unknown "MIA Monkey" Perplexed - 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago

You have been given Chocolate Easter Bunnies.
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Unknown "Mik " Peaceful - 16 years, 11 months, 20 days ago

You have been given visit from the Easter bunny!!!.
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Unknown "Mik " Peaceful - 16 years, 11 months, 20 days ago

You have been given Wicked weekend kit.
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Unknown "Mik " Peaceful - 17 years, 3 days ago
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