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Unknown's tales
Okay, so I just saw a random Facebook ad for laser eye surgery with a Dr. Kwak. Seriously, at that point, change your name, or skip med school...
Unknown "Morgaine" Ferocious
- 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago
Hmph. I don't want a Rick Astley.
Unknown "Morgaine" Ferocious
- 16 years, 9 months, 29 days ago
I feel I've made myself appear too much a moderate. While I stand by what I've said below, I feel like I should add my personal political perspective. I'm paraphrasing bell hooks, to an extent: The purpose of feminism, or any other radical movement should not be simply to elevate an oppressed group to equal status with the dominant-- the purpose of a radical movement is to force the existing, oppressive structure as a whole into radical change. Being a radicalized feminist involves opposing not only sexism but racism, classism, ableism and capitalism; it means recognizing that the very fundaments of our society are rotten, and must be rebuilt from the ground up. But everyone is at different points, and coming from different perspectives, and I don't believe in excluding anyone from the discourse because of those differences.
Unknown "Morgaine" Ferocious
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
Because feminist theory has been the topic of the week over here in my comments (which is so awesome and I love you all) I want to say that I believe that now is a time when we all need to work together and have nothing but respect for the life choices others make-- feminist activists and women who have never thought about feminism before; single, childless working women and stay at home moms; middle class, working class and late-for-class; mothers of daughters and fathers of sons and vice versa; lesbian, gay, straight, bi, csi, trans-- whatever. I'm seriously opposed to women fighting against each other over necessary choices which are constrained by our fucked-up culture, and I want to make it absolutely clear that I think we're all here to help and learn from each other. (Except maybe Ann Coulter and her ilk. I condemn her life choice of being a professional spokeswoman for evil. But y'all know what I mean, right?)
Unknown "Morgaine" Ferocious
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
Feminism 101 lecture series in progress. Come on in! -gum chewing in class prohibited-
Unknown "Morgaine" Ferocious
- 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
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