I check Hp occasionally these days, but I have a lot of stuff going on. In case you care..
~ I'm the sergeant at arms for Sigma Alpha Iota. It pretty much means I know all the rules and count all the votes. I'm also social chair, so I've planned fun stuff for SAI to do throughout the semester.
~ I'm taking my first studio recording class. I spent four hours last night recording a group of 8 Phi Mu A guys singing "Viva L'Amour". ("A leg to the left and a leg to the right, viva la compagnie, *put face to inside of elbow and make inappropriate noises*, viva la compagnie".) It's difficult but I feel good learning all of this. We also have about a session a week for the entire semester- so that means one night a week I spend four hours in a recording studio, and a few times I spend eight hours there.
~ Still in symphonic band and taking clarinet lessons. That means three performances on clarinet this semester.
~ Pep band is still on, so I still play sousaphone for a lot of basketball games. Fun times, but sometimes a little time-consuming. It will be awesome if we get to go to tournaments.
So I may not be on here much.. or at all.. for a bit. While all that stuff is fun, it's time-consuming and can be a little stressful when everything gets bogged down at once, plus the whole 16 hours of classes thing.
Unknown "Musical Mistress" Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago