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"Musical Mistress"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: 300, Grammar Geeks, Musicians, Postcard collector's club!, Beach Animals, XKCD lovers
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Classes this summer:
Studio Business Operations
Legal Problems in the Recording Industry
Topics in Physical Science
Tennessee History
Themes In Literature (Hurdles & Hangovers)

Classes next fall:
Principles & Practices of Electronic Music
Applied Digital Audio
Concert Promotion & Touring
Orientation to Art
History of Rock & Roll
Marching Band
Unknown "Musical Mistress" Sparkling - 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
I'm pretty much not on here anymore because I'm busy all the time. Copyright Law sort of kicks my ass, though it could always be worse. Theory II is a little confusing, only because I missed three days of class.

I went on a trip with the pep band... we went to the basketball championships for our conference, both teams made it to the final game and lost. It was a great trip but we were all really sad for the teams. There's still hope, the ladies could get a bid for NCAA or WNIT.

I spent 7 hours in studio mixing. By "I" I mean me and my partners. I didn't do much because I was exhausted. Literally falling asleep in front of the console exhausted. It sucked.

And then there's drama. Always drama. There are a lot of things going on that are stressing me out, so I've spent a lot of my free time doing absolutely nothing.

So, even though this app is fun, I'll probably still be on very little until my workload lets up.
Unknown "Musical Mistress" Sparkling - 17 years, 8 days ago
I check Hp occasionally these days, but I have a lot of stuff going on. In case you care..

~ I'm the sergeant at arms for Sigma Alpha Iota. It pretty much means I know all the rules and count all the votes. I'm also social chair, so I've planned fun stuff for SAI to do throughout the semester.
~ I'm taking my first studio recording class. I spent four hours last night recording a group of 8 Phi Mu A guys singing "Viva L'Amour". ("A leg to the left and a leg to the right, viva la compagnie, *put face to inside of elbow and make inappropriate noises*, viva la compagnie".) It's difficult but I feel good learning all of this. We also have about a session a week for the entire semester- so that means one night a week I spend four hours in a recording studio, and a few times I spend eight hours there.
~ Still in symphonic band and taking clarinet lessons. That means three performances on clarinet this semester.
~ Pep band is still on, so I still play sousaphone for a lot of basketball games. Fun times, but sometimes a little time-consuming. It will be awesome if we get to go to tournaments.

So I may not be on here much.. or at all.. for a bit. While all that stuff is fun, it's time-consuming and can be a little stressful when everything gets bogged down at once, plus the whole 16 hours of classes thing.
Unknown "Musical Mistress" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
I think I'm sick. :( boo. My throat hurts and my nose is all gross. I've taken some medicine for it already, but who knows.
Unknown "Musical Mistress" Sparkling - 17 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
So I've seen Sweeny Todd now. It made reminded me a lot of Music History. ahhhhh. But I did enjoy it. Johnny Depp was surprisingly good. Yay musicals about murder! I also saw previews for movies I want to see. Now I really want to see Dewey Cox (MUST!) and I Am Legend. If I had to pick one of the two, it'd be Dewey Cox. We'll see, though.
Unknown "Musical Mistress" Sparkling - 17 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
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You have been given So Tell Me....What's New?.
Crafted by Loz
Unknown "*♥ ♥ ♥ *" Gloomy - 16 years, 5 months ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #7251) peekaboo
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 8 months, 19 days ago
i was flicking through the tv channels and found it on the one music station that would ever play it. i think i might like the video more than the song, but i have had it on repeat for a few days so it could just be fatigue.
You have been given look into my eyes....
Crafted by Unknown
Ammo "Mushroom God" Sparkling - 16 years, 10 months, 4 days ago
Hola!!! Thanks for the comment....i took them in Thailand, Cambodia and Kenya....
You have been given Hola !!!.
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Unknown "r u speaking =(" Surprised - 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
umm.....sorry for my new owner's behavior....umm..she's crazy.... -_-'
You have been given OMFG *horrified*.
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Unknown "*♥ ♥ ♥ *" Gloomy - 17 years, 5 days ago
MINE SHE"S MINE. hehehehe
You have been given leave my pets alone!!!.
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Unknown "clueless" Hopeless - 17 years, 7 days ago
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