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Ezra Mable | - Free online hangout and friends
Vanessa owns this human at 38790 points.

Ezra Mable

Ezra Mable, 38/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:14 AM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 7 days ago
Location: Fayetteville, AR United States

"Ezra the Dreamer"
About me:
I'll have to come back to this one. I'm currently seeking the answer to this question; for, to know one's self is a great thing. I can say this: I have a long way to go before I can be called a man without feeling uneasy.
About you:
I would like to meet people who will encourage me to grow and who will also be encouraged to grow by me.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Ezra's Thumbing Spot, Ezra's Thumb Preserve
Herds: ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, Grammar Geeks, sweet temptation εїз, The Multilinguals, Give & U Shall Be Given!!, εїз abbie εїз, Thumbs & Toes, how many ppl got bored _|_, Ellie's Thumbs, All about Christine, Alaa... Enough said lol, Spam of RUSS *muah!*, LAIR of the WOLVERINE, A.J. **Wuvs** her pets, Amanda's Herd of DOOM!!!, Love Who You Want!, thumbs zone, THUMBS UP!!, Courtney's Herd, LOVE AND PEACE, Lifthrasir, Dragonian Princess, Thumbs All Around, Skydive, Save Alisa, Bassoonists, ♥ rave ♥, cutie's herd :D, Poached & Abused, TummyTech Herd 101, Alien Thumbs, Sydrocks World, TAZ ( Total Andhari's Zon, ~Dani's thumbs~, Stick up ya thumbs, REPO ARMY, *~*Verbose*~*, Thumb Mary cuz she's awesome!, Only For Pts, Boohoohoo, My Special Friends, Leaders of Language Learning
177803 pts
"Deviated Norm"
50000 pts
35000 pts
"Warm Eyed One"
7093 pts
5513 pts
sweet like sugar
Fiona Clairemont
Fiona Clairemont
3967 pts

2000 pts

2000 pts
"Abby Flavor"
1000 pts
"Nei Nei"
1000 pts
"Les Ans Passé"
1000 pts
"Bass Mistress"
1000 pts
Ezra's tales
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Ezra Mable
I was making space so that I could sit on this chair. My mom put some of her stuffed creatures in it, and some other stuff accumulated there. I got everything moved when I saw this potato there. It was odd. I grabbed it and said, "Tsh! Couch potato." Later, one of the stuffed creatures that I put on the back of the chair fell into my lap and kind of in the fold of my arm, like a child or lover would be. I turned to my mom and said, "Aw, how sweet!" with sarcasm.
Ezra Mable "mmhmmm" - 16 years, 9 months, 19 days ago
Ezra Mable
I was picking up trash outside when I saw the ground moving up and down. It took me by surprise and I just stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds. It was like some scene from a horror movie. Then, I realized that it was just a mole. I think that was the first time in my life that I had actually seen a mole move underground. There was maybe one other time, but I'm not sure about that memory.
Ezra Mable "mmhmmm" - 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
Ezra Mable
Nice! Rick Astley is my pet! Thanks HP!

Seriously though, I have liked this song since I first heard it on Family guy. I know many of the words by heart.
Ezra Mable "mmhmmm" - 17 years ago
Ezra Mable
This is for all the lonely people. This will remind you that you will die alone with nothing but your name on a rock above your grave. :(

Ezra Mable "mmhmmm" - 17 years, 7 days ago
Ezra Mable
Girlfriend Application
Ezra Mable "mmhmmm" - 17 years, 14 days ago
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Gone Girl

strawberry icecream You have been given strawberry icecream.
Crafted by BATMAN
Gone Girl " " content - 4 months, 11 days ago
Crimson Kat Garnet
I pop on and off; was on page 200 something digging through messages on here...
Crimson Kat Garnet "My Wifey ღ" - 3 years, 5 months, 15 days ago

a rainbow for your page You have been given a rainbow for your page.
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Hay "Beautiful Swan" Calm - 13 years, 5 months, 11 days ago
_ Z i R a b e t _

Our secret! You have been given Our secret!.
Crafted by Memo Mojica
_ Z i R a b e t _ "shes mine" - 13 years, 8 months, 2 days ago

Happy Easter You have been given Happy Easter.
Crafted by Jari G
ANDREA "my Aphrodite " Happy - 13 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
You are one of my long term friends here. Even though we don't chat much I appreciate your comments and your tales are very interesting to read so I pop in now and then. Hope you have a wonderful Easter holiday my friend. :-)
Cadburys Cream Egg Easter Egg You have been given Cadburys Cream Egg Easter Egg.
Crafted by Unknown
ANDREA "my Aphrodite " Happy - 13 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
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Ezra's shop
Pop's Top Stop and Shop Shop

Pop's shop is the top place to stop and shop. Pop has the crop to make you hop and pop. So, drop by and shop and Pop's Top Stop and Shop Shop.

*Click on the ticket to see the event details. :)

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an electrifying love
1 use

235 pts
an electrifying love
Bought by 7 people
an invitation to something more
1 use

275 pts
an invitation to something more
Bought by 23 people
dark chocolate strawberries
1 use

125 pts
dark chocolate strawberries
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1 use

200 pts
Bought by 76 people
1 use

200 pts
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sonatas written just for you
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250 pts
sonatas written just for you
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Twilight Serenades
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235 pts
Twilight Serenades
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one ticket to an event for two
1 use

275 pts
one ticket to an event for two
Bought by 13 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 10 people
Cool Breezes
1 use

125 pts
Cool Breezes
Bought by 57 people
a classic romance
1 use

235 pts
a classic romance
Bought by 15 people
a gondola ride in Venice
1 use

225 pts
a gondola ride in Venice
Bought by 20 people
shoes for a run through my mind
1 use

150 pts
shoes for a run through my mind
Bought by 17 people
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200 pts
Bought by 27 people
bowing your heart strings
1 use

235 pts
bowing your heart strings
Bought by 30 people
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