
Alex's tales
Holy Moley, I forgot about this place! Guess I'll creep around for a while >.> <.< *creep* *creep* Bored.
Alex Gwilt "Gwiltefish" Lazy
- 14 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
Huh. I almost forgot this site existed. Even though it's on my bookmarks toolbar. Go figure, huh? it's interesting, I guess. I think this going to be one of those times where I just type for a little while then post it, no real point to it. So, pointless rambling, here we go. The most recent activities I have are Magic: the Gathering (card game) and video games. And Magic video games. go figure. Still, it caters to my dream job, so I guess I'm doing something. Just got an online account for magic too, so that's fun. really expensive though, so it'll probably take me some time to get caught up with everything. I'm getting some free packs off of being a judge in June, so that's nifty. Free cards are free. The first rule of tautology is the first rule of tautology. Yup. I'm pretty sure this page is like a ghost town. Not that I'd know if it wasn't. 'cept for comments I guess. And yes, it is 6:30am my time, and I haven't slept! Explains the rambling, y'know? Right, let's post this and see if any other crazies show up.
Alex Gwilt "Gwiltefish" Lazy
- 14 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
Whoa....I woke up this morning (afternoon) and realized something: I can play guitar now. That is damn cool. (I don't rant in tales, if you want some crazy rants you gotta check that crazy myspace thing o' mine www.myspace.com/wildemaus should still be public).
Alex Gwilt "Gwiltefish" Lazy
- 16 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
Destruction by school X_X
Alex Gwilt "Gwiltefish" Lazy
- 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
The Random Parlor
This is not merely a random parlor, this is THE random parlor, full of many and sundry things i think are funny/cool/random. so yeah, check 'em out!
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