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kelly Petchenik
kelly Petchenik

kelly Petchenik, 41/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:43 PM
Join date:17 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
Location: Brooklyn, NY United States

About me:
Hi there thanks for checking me out. My name is Kelly I'm 30 yrs old 5'5"-5'6" brown hair and hazel green eyes. I am looking for that man/ woman to be friends with and just a platonic relationship. I am not looking for anything since i have found that one person who makes me happy please look elsewhere. I work in security/ law enforcement and have set goals to make something of my life. I am transgender, I can cook to please the hearty hunger of a stomach (chicken cutlet PARMESAN, eggplant PARMESAN, stuffed shells etc..) just ask ill tell you if i can make it or not. just looking to be friends that's all I want to be respected and loved as the woman i am. love the outdoors such as walks on the beach, going to the movies, eating out at a restaurant, and then on those rainy days and not sure what to do i stay indoors and cuddle watch TV or movies. take care all, take life in strides otherwise it jumps out too far ahead of you and you missed everything.
About you:
I have met that someone and they know where they are. Cupid hits them with an arrow and it goes through and through. friends i am willing to meet me and have an interesting conversation that can make me laugh. So send me a message if you would like to chat. :)
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Gay
Herds (lead): ryans thumbing herd
Herds: Sex Kittens, VIP - Very Important Pets, SUE'S, STOP PET THIEVES, BISEXUAL!!!, Girls who kiss other girls, ~*T-girl Coffee House*~, Bi sexuals Of Human Pets!
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kelly Petchenik
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kelly Petchenik Neglected - 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
kelly Petchenik
I sit and wonder what the world would be without a sun in the morning, and the stars at night. I believe the world would be in a complete darkness. There are those who sit and ponder, there are those that can't remember but certain things are needed to survive like a sun to supply energy to solar power generators, stars at night for the kids to make wishes for dreams to come true, without the power of G-D this wouldn't be here for you. Many things in the world goes round for it's only a lucky day when it happens to you, you ask for things that may not be true, you ask to be loved but wonder by whom? you ask for riches and wonder where the money comes from why do people always ask who its from when its a gift of enjoyment be happy its for you. It's a gift no matter from whom the thought that counts are what matters the most, aside from which this is true no gift is needed not from you. Just remembering one birthday, or kind words said to someone who is a friend and new show respect and you will see a smile of enjoyment is not just a mystery. The mystery you ask is to see someone respond with kind words back as a thank you, you too. Remember to open your heart, its like gold you may want to treasure it or share it with the world but when used in the right way everyone enjoys a heart of gold brings love and joy.
kelly Petchenik Neglected - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
kelly Petchenik
a rose petal is red, a violet is blue always the taste of sugar is sweet,and so are you. I miss the times we spend together because of things that get in the way I want to be with you endlessly all night and day. there are those times I wonder what will I do when your not around to keep me from missing you. I look at the stars, I feel so blue for its the case of missing you while I wonder endlessly at night where you are and what you are doing its only thoughts of you. people might say its crazy thinking fairy tales come true but I have a princess hopefully waiting too. there is a sign of love when doves are in the air, what's the sign of sadness when I guess tears are in my eyes. I lay and wonder, and run through my thoughts that a wonderful person like you makes me sing more than a tune. please know your special in so many ways for I wish and wonder can it be true.
kelly Petchenik Neglected - 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
kelly Petchenik
A tear drop, then rain a flood of disaster, pain and sorrow all comes at once but you cant seem to forget those that caused it. Always we say we want to remember the good things never the bad but its hard to say things will be better when there sad. You cry, and cry some even many friends try to make it better but all you feel is pain inside, eating at you destroy every strand that's hold you together. Its a hard thing to deal with when loved ones and friends say they want to be there but never are, you hold them to a promise but it never works, why do they need to promise it should be something all ready done. There is a love out there it just has to be found, when its caught you never want to let it go. Hold it tight, tell him/her you love them forever and hope its meant in return. You ask those who care what they can remember most if its something special it will be remembered for a life time otherwise they tend to forget like yesterdays news, but even the news is still spoken about because it was something of an issue that you wanted to know and remember about. There isn't much more for me to say on an issue of tears but I know it hurts when love ones don't show they care. Please look to friends and those who want to care they are wanting to share in any part of your life the only thing is letting them in.
kelly Petchenik Neglected - 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
kelly Petchenik
in life we are told what is ahead of us all is a road not taken, we sit and ponder a road not taken we too young to drive. The moral behind this is with all the choices in life we have to make them ourselves do we want what's good for us or bad, two roads one choice what will we decided. Life down the road throws curve balls like watching a baseball game, you have a tendency to swing and miss, you feel lower than dirt, heck I know I have. A motto when growing up in life I have learnt to crawl before walking I am not going in reverse so when I do things I take steps being rushing into it. As before I don't just write in rhythms to bring an interest to your mind, or make things sound good. I write like this because its an expression of emotion deep inside, a love perhaps looking to come out but bottled up and not let out, I search roads high and low yet looking no further for what I want is right in front of me in the mirror its myself. I have to make sure for myself I am want I want to be and who I want to be before being with someone else for I can say the words I love you, I want them to have meaning and joy not sorrow and tears. So in life take chances make mistakes and lie a wonderful life we sometimes only have the one chance, never know if we lucky we may miss out on a lot things, hold those people you love close and cherish those friends you have for there may be a time you need them and your all alone with no one at all.
kelly Petchenik Neglected - 16 years, 9 months, 8 days ago
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grace andrew

by grace
Dearest one, My name is grace, I am very happy to view your profile here today,as I'm interested in knowing you.reply me through my private email address at ( ) so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace
grace andrew - 10 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
Brittany Jennings
Stopping by to say HIII!
♠Breakfast, With Love♠ You have been given ♠Breakfast, With Love♠.
Crafted by Brittany Jennings
Brittany Jennings "Brittany" Bold - 14 years, 8 days ago
Brittany Jennings
Hello there!
A smile for your day ツ You have been given A smile for your day ツ .
Crafted by Rachel M
Brittany Jennings "Brittany" Bold - 14 years, 6 months, 12 days ago

Heey, Good Morning! You have been given Heey, Good Morning!.
Crafted by Unknown
C-J "wonderfull" pleased as punch :) - 14 years, 9 months, 2 days ago

Big smiles to make your day You have been given Big smiles to make your day .
Crafted by Mortitia
C-J "wonderfull" pleased as punch :) - 14 years, 9 months, 2 days ago

The first morning light You have been given The first morning light.
Crafted by Thorbjorn
C-J "wonderfull" pleased as punch :) - 14 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
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