Ohhhhh yesterday was so much fun! John came over and cooked dinner while I made dessert in my cute apron and then later James and Rita and Steph came over and we watched movies and played RockBand 2 and stuff. Only problem is then I only got 3 hours of sleep and my friend Jeff from Hong Kong forgot to give me my wake-up call! I was a few minutes late to work, but thankfully I got there and had a really easy half day. Then I ran some errands and rented some Merlin movie to watch later. ^_^
Now I just woke up from a nap and am waiting on a text from John to see if we're going to go skating! Oh oh oh, I'm not going to be going out on walks alone after midnight anymore. I had a really bad feeling the other night that something was gonna happen and kept looking over my shoulder. It was kind of scary.
Valerie Fox Curious
- 15 years, 10 months, 21 days ago