Ohhhhh yesterday was so much fun! John came over and cooked dinner while I made dessert in my cute apron and then later James and Rita and Steph came over and we watched movies and played RockBand 2 and stuff. Only problem is then I only got 3 hours of sleep and my friend Jeff from Hong Kong forgot to give me my wake-up call! I was a few minutes late to work, but thankfully I got there and had a really easy half day. Then I ran some errands and rented some Merlin movie to watch later. ^_^ Now I just woke up from a nap and am waiting on a text from John to see if we're going to go skating! Oh oh oh, I'm not going to be going out on walks alone after midnight anymore. I had a really bad feeling the other night that something was gonna happen and kept looking over my shoulder. It was kind of scary.
Valerie Fox Curious
- 15 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
If I worked out before I made sugar cookies today, do they cancel each other out? O_o
Valerie Fox Curious
- 15 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
I totally love my adorable chibi from Carlos M. Make sure to check it out in my pics above and go here to watch for auctions and get your own!
Valerie Fox Curious
- 15 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
So happy to find lotioned Puffs tissues under the kitchen sink after using toilet paper all day, only to find they're soaked from a leak in the faucet.
Valerie Fox Curious
- 15 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
I'm sick as a dog and got such bad chills my skin hurts. But still very happy because I finally got to catch up with my dear dear dear friend in Paris. Yay! Oh and my hubby is enjoying seeing a volcano up close! Happy Easter everyone!
Valerie Fox Curious
- 15 years, 9 months, 27 days ago