So lately, been listening to DBSK....and watching them on Youtube...and reading fanfics about them.
IN one word: OBSESSED!!!
So it's no wonder that I dream about them too. I've only had five dreams about them, and only in two of them are they actually *in* it.
Dream 1: A very...interesting dream where I was watching two members, Yoochun and Yunho do some weird stuff with Crisco in a kitchen; I was not part of any of this and they didn't know I was watching ^o^
Dream 2: I was driving by the Wal-Mart of my house, and I saw a huge banner hung on the rooftop advertising them. I really wanted to stop and see what it was, but then I woke up.
Dream3: I was walking down some hallway of an office, and suddenly I heard someone mention that they were in a room in the hallway I was in. I wanted to go look for them, but as soon as I saw them coming out of the room, I woke up. (it was too much for my brain to handle Lol).
Dream4: This was the funniest (and most random) dream: I was in Wal-Mart (again) passing by the arts and crafts sections where they have the yarn and all that. All of a sudden, I saw one of those crafting books where they teach you how to knit and all that, and I saw that it was a book to teach you how to make a DBSK quilt!!! (I want to make one...)
Dream5: The best dream I've had so far: I was at Wal-Mart (WTF!!) again and I had this sense of urgency, I had to go somewhere. Turns out I had to go to a concert of theirs, but I only reached to see the end of it (T_T) However, somehow Micky Yoochun had met my friends earlier, and when he came to say hi, he introduced himself to me!! I was so excited, I kept talking too fast and he didn't know what I was telling him. Finally I asked him for his autograph, tearing out a sheet of paper from my notebook I always carry with me. He signed it, and when I got it back, I woke up.
I love DBSK. Here's hoping for many more sweet dreams <3 <3 <3
Lily S "Sweet Lily" Courageous
- 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago