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"Predator Instinc"
Name: |
Unknown, 47/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 10:19 PM |
Join date: | 16 years, 6 months, 7 days ago |
Location: | Amiens, Picardie France
"Witty, soft and quiet but Wild!" |
About me:
Hmm tired of everyday life? Want to add some spice in your life and enlight it to its Zenith?
I sent me roses this morning!!!lol) Hey you're very lucky, I just registered here! I enjoy humor and laughing is an everyday treat! So let's send me an email, talk to me freely about yourself, your dreams, your aspirations, your life!! And if ever you're in France, in the North, why not try to join in to take a coffee, a stroll in my town, a day in the parc, under the sun or a thin rain...I will be happy to be your guide ;-) I already visit Italy, Belgium, Netherland, Germany, Switzerland and Martinica... Will you help me to discover others far far away countries? you're welcome! Talk to you soon, Very sincerely, ~ LL~
Souriante, dynamique la pêche dès le matin et jusqu'au bout de la nuit pour danser, chanter et plus si affinités.... Voilà mon attitude face à l'existence: jouir du moment présent, le déguster tout en sachant savoir faire une pause de temps en temps ;-) et en réfléchissant beaucoup aux implications de chacun de nos gestes, engagements....
About you:
How I Describe My Ideal Match
I'd like to meet a man who's not afraid to LIVE WITH a woman who won't be just a great fling but also his partner in crime.
Let's say that my dream is to meet a kind of soulmate who enjoy spending time with me (and let me pet him!!!) and would like to do tons of activities,travel,sharing hobbies;
I don't like people who doesn't know what to do of themselves, neither men who don't respect life or animal.
I wish spend a LOT of time with my "perfect mate". ..
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds: | Dark Carnival, Nerds are Sexy, MENTAL,RANDOM,EVIL AND SCARY, Newbies helping Newbies, Mister J., Punk rock, rockabilly, tattoos.. |
"Shining SPiRiT"
200 pts
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Unknown's tales
I want to meet My guy in shining Armor And not so charming because I don't like snob A little frog for the wild things Independant, cool and warm Generous from the heart Who would like to share Anytime, anywhere With his mate ~~'~~'~~'~~ Quiero encontrar a Mi tío a la Armadura chispeante Y no tan encantador porque no quiero a los snobs Una pequeña rana para las cosas salvajes Independant, refrescando y recalientas Generoso del corazón que querría compartir Cuandoquiera, dondequiera Con su compañero de corazón
Unknown "Predator Instinc"
- 16 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
Pourquoi s'en faire Je préfère être "pet" Plutot que d'être reine à une fête A laquelle je n'ai pas envie de participer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Por qué hacérselo prefiero ser "pet" Plutot que de ser reina a una fiesta A la cual no tengo ganas de participar
Unknown "Predator Instinc"
- 16 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
Lissant mes ailes Je glissais vers le sommeil Bienheureux oubli Quand soudain, s'envolait cette pensée Ou ferais je mon nid? ~~#{{{{~~~~~{####~~ ¿ Alisando mis alas deslizaba hacia el sueño olvido bienaventurado cuándo de repente, despegaba este pensamiento O haría yo mi nido?
Unknown "Predator Instinc"
- 16 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
Once Upon the time Desespoir was in my name like a song you listen and always be the same An Hope, something I never tame Wild and crazy thoughts, maybe One upon a time I was calling your name once upon a time, I'd broke my brain and Bones, crack just to be the same Again I fall Rolled into a ball Sour was quiet Now my once upon the time You'll arrive and it won't be in vain that' you'll be my Once upon the time ForEver not The Same
Unknown "Predator Instinc"
- 16 years, 6 months, 7 days ago
Kissed anyone one of your HP friends? No Been arrested? No Kissed someone you didn't like? Yes Slept in until 5 PM? Yes Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes Held a snake? Yes Been suspended from school? No Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident? No Been fired from a job? No Sang karaoke? Yes Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yes Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes Kissed in the rain? Yes Sang in the shower? Yes Sat on a rooftop? Yes Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on.? No Broken a bone? No Shaved your head? No Blacked out from drinking? No Played a prank on someone? Yes Felt like killing someone? Yes Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No Been in a band? No Shot a gun? No Donated Blood? No Eaten alligator meat? No Eaten cheesecake? Yes Still love someone you shouldn't? Yes Think about the future? Yes Believe in love? YES!
Unknown "Predator Instinc"
- 16 years, 6 months, 7 days ago
French Couture Designs ShopOPet
Welcome in my little shopOPetspace !Feel like "at home", take your time to stroll around, take a sit, sip a tea with hibiscus and rose, slip your feet outside your shoes, and feel the softness of the grass ! You Will find all kind of beautiful, soft, confortable, shiny, colorful, and nice items for your pet ! All the pictures, illustrations, are from my artwork, sculptures or own creations. I am a former painter on silk, but also create High Fashion Couture & to pamper yourself, let me guide you into this realm^^ Follow the little light "IF you don't shine by your own light you won't shine bright"! Vous êtes le ou la bienvenue dans ma petite boutique shop O pet! Installez vous, comme chez vous, prenez votre temps pour vous ballader dans les rayonnages; prenez un siège, siroter une infusion à l'Hibiscus et au pétale de rose, retirez vos chaussures et sentez la douceur de l'herbe! Vous trouverez toutes sortes de belles et douces créations, rayonnantes, colorées et mignonnes pour votre animal favori! Toutes ces créationsfont partie de mon artbook, illustrations, peintures sur soie, aquarelle, dessins,sculptures;Prenez soin de vos Pet, de vous même et laissez moi vous guidez dans mon univers!Suivez la lumière:"Entretenez votre flamme intérieure sinon vous ne brillerez pas !"
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