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Saraya-Lynn Moody | - Free online hangout and friends
Dave Moody
Dave Moody owns this human at 220500 points.

Saraya-Lynn Moody
Saraya-Lynn Moody

Saraya-Lynn Moody
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Nerds are Sexy, *I AM CANADIAN*, CANDY LAND ♥, The Pack
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Saraya-Lynn Moody
It is so NICE to see people fall in love..on here...but really anywhere! Congratulations and many blessings to those of you that have found love! (;
Saraya-Lynn Moody "ẂÔŁ₣ÎƦƐ" Perplexed - 15 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
Saraya-Lynn Moody
Alaska’s Wolves
Need Your Help

Hundreds of wolves have been killed in Alaska -- shot to death by gunners in low-flying aircraft or chased to exhaustion and shot at point-blank range.
Saraya-Lynn Moody "ẂÔŁ₣ÎƦƐ" Perplexed - 15 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
Saraya-Lynn Moody
In the past five years, more than 800 wolves have been brutally slaughtered by Alaska’s aerial killing program. Now another season of aerial gunning is underway. But -- with your help -- we can stop this awful practice!

Take action now to help save these wolves -- sign our petition to urge the Obama Administration to put an end to aerial gunning in Alaska.

Easy targets against fallen snow, wolves are gunned down from airplanes or chased to exhaustion, then shot at point blank range. State-licensed riflemen can target entire packs -- even pregnant mothers!

It’s not wolf management. It’s a wolf massacre. Please take action now to save these wolves.

Defenders of Wildlife has long led the fight to stop this horrific practice and promote sound management of wolves in Alaska. And with the anti-wolf Bush/Cheney Administration now gone from the White House, we have even more hope to end this awful practice once and for all.

Urge the Obama Administration to enforce the Federal Airborne Hunting Act, the federal law that could put an end to the killing.

Alaska’s politicians continue to promote aerial gunning and other extreme measures to kill wolves.

In fact, in 2008 Governor Sarah Palin and the state legislature approved spending $400,000 in taxpayer funds to promote the slaughter from the skies and defeat a citizen’s initiative to limit aerial gunning. To encourage the killing, Governor Palin even proposed a $150 bounty for the left foreleg of each dead wolf and other measures -- a grisly proposal that Defenders of Wildlife stopped.

Now Palin and her allies are once again working to expand the killing and we need your help to stop them. Please sign our petition right now and help us end aerial gunning in Alaska.

Our wolves are a crucial part of the natural heritage that we’ll leave our children and grandchildren, and we have a real chance to end this terrible practice.

I hope you’ll help.


Rodger Schlickeisen
President, Defenders of Wildlife
Saraya-Lynn Moody "ẂÔŁ₣ÎƦƐ" Perplexed - 15 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
Saraya-Lynn Moody
Saraya-Lynn Moody "ẂÔŁ₣ÎƦƐ" Perplexed - 15 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
Saraya-Lynn Moody
Western Wolves

Includes Greater Yellowstone, the Rockies and parts of the Pacific Northwest

More than 1,000 wolves could be killed under a proposal by the U.S. Interior Department to eliminate vital federal protections for wolves in Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, Colorado and Utah.
Saraya-Lynn Moody "ẂÔŁ₣ÎƦƐ" Perplexed - 15 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #124) :-D
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 15 years, 5 months, 18 days ago
Dude and Maude left
Thanks my friend :) Wish you all the best forward! Keep smiling, k?
10 languages to say thank you You have been given 10 languages to say thank you.
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Dude and Maude left Maudey's Dude - 15 years, 7 months, 14 days ago

HELLO~~ You have been given HELLO~~.
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Adam Sexy - 15 years, 8 months ago
Dave Moody

want you so bad You have been given want you so bad.
Crafted by Neil
Dave Moody - 15 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
Dave Moody

My mood.... You have been given My mood.....
Crafted by Pink
Dave Moody - 15 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
Dave Moody

♥ I Love You ♥ You have been given ♥ I Love You ♥.
Crafted by Laura's Khan
Dave Moody - 15 years, 8 months, 6 days ago
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