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Unknown's tales
Well I guess I have to say that my last tale has ended in a bad way. I had to move away, because I needed a different job and a place to live. The guy in my last tale that I said I would never hurt for as long as I live, well I know I hurt him by telling him that I am never moving back. I swear it is killing me knowing that I will never be with him. He was ans still is the nicest guy that I've ever met. I will always love him no matter what happens. I will never betray him as a friend. I just wish there was a way that I could move back and be financially set. I hate the town that he lives in where I use to live. There is nothing there. I have a really good job here in Kentucky. Well actually I live in Henderson KY and work in Evansville IN. Anyways I hate money, because it comes between everything. I hate the way people live today. Nobody get through marriage anymore. I have always been faithful no matter what. I guess that everyone my age wasn't raised the way I was. Treat others as you would want to be treated. It sounds like everyone has said to hell with that. People don't give a crap how they treat other people as long as they get their way and everyone treats them well. N-E-WAYS I just want to say I WILL ALWAYS LOVE MY ALLEN!!!
Unknown "Jenn" Peppy
- 17 years, 6 days ago
Hi my name is Jennae. I just recently fell in love with the cutest guy ever. He treats me like a man should treat a woman. We are not dating yet. :( But hopefully soon :) He is the best guy I've ever met period. I will treat him well. I hope to never lose him. I will never hurt him again for as long as I live.
Unknown "Jenn" Peppy
- 17 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
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