New items in the shop! Come by and rustle through the mess! Unknown"mms & ez chz"Evasive
- 16 years, 6 months, 7 days ago
This is where I pick blueberries. I picked blueberries today...obviously. This is one of the many reasons I adore where I live. Freakin' blueberries everywhere. It's quaint and country, but with just a hint of Willy Wonka. Tonight? Blackberries. I think I'll make a tart.
Unknown"mms & ez chz"Evasive
- 16 years, 6 months, 24 days ago
This is Alex. He is 31 years old. His tag said his name was Lundy(?!?) before I ripped it off about 21 years ago. He has been dismembered by two Jack Russels and then stitched and stuffed back together. He has traveled via the United States Postal Service at least 5 times. He looks more lively in this picture than in real life. He has just been washed with Woolite and fluffed. Usually he is remarkably flat and flaccid. He once functioned as a stash receptacle, holding baby bottles of booze and other assorted amenities. He's a nice mate.
Unknown"mms & ez chz"Evasive
- 16 years, 6 months, 25 days ago
Hi everyone! I'm in the nebulous world of 'new to human pets' and I'm plodding through the trenches. This will serve as my new distraction before the semester begins and I return to work.
Unknown"mms & ez chz"Evasive
- 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago