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"Stranger Danger"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Suicide Girls, Bi sexuals Of Human Pets!
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"Frosted Franks"
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"yarg jack!"
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"Irish Thunder!"
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"samurai matteo"
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Unknown's tales
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Hello all,
i am typing this to let you all know i am no longer moving to Boston. I got all the way through my applications and all the paper work and was waiting on my parents to co-sign my financial aid papers for a student loan and they refused.

So yeah message me if you want to know more details ummm reasoning behind ... ect...

extreme sadness at the dream i was so close to is not attainable because of my parents not me. I have the talent and the drive and the grades and i am blocked from it still.

but i will get there someday, ill find a way, :) thanks to all who wanted ths for me, supported me and still believe in me :) you mean more to me than you could imagine at this time in my life.

Sonya Contino
Unknown "Stranger Danger" Peaceful - 16 years, 6 months, 26 days ago
RIP George Carlin you shall be missed, and hope you are causing trouble in hell buddy!!! fuck yeah!!!
Unknown "Stranger Danger" Peaceful - 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
mmmm love Elton

Blue eyes
Baby's got blue eyes
Like a deep blue sea
On a blue blue day
Blue eyes
Baby's got blue eyes
When the morning comes
I'll be far away
And I say

Blue eyes
Holding back the tears
Holding back the pain
Baby's got blue eyes
And she's alone again

Blue eyes
Baby's got blue eyes
Like a clear blue sky
Watching over me
Blue eyes
I love blue eyes
When I'm by her side
Where I long to be
I will see

Blue eyes laughing in the sun
Laughing in the rain
Baby's got blue eyes
And I am home, and I am home again
Unknown "Stranger Danger" Peaceful - 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
Its better to have said too much than to never have said anything at all.
Say what you need to say.

ahh love John Mayers Music
Unknown "Stranger Danger" Peaceful - 16 years, 11 months ago
What is it exactly about being a bisexual person that makes an immediate negative impression upon anyone you meet? I don’t understand what about that word makes one think that I am a sexual deviant, promiscuous slut, unbelievable liberal, dirty, unlawful human. Lol, I mean really I have touched a woman in an intimate way yes, but I have also grown to love a woman for her mind and body as one and as any other human could never do. I have held a woman when she needed it most; have caressed her in ways no one should ever be ashamed of.
Why should I have to be afraid of being sexual with a woman? The faux paw? Lol well I suppose if you’re religious in a Christian faith I am already screwed huh? Well its hell for me there…! uhh hmm lets see, bisexuals are dirty and different or something to that order of buzz words, is that correct? I suppose that comes from non acceptance in the religious field and the government arena, which is truly run by religion if we are being so unbearably honest at the moment.
I remember meeting this man in one of my classes in college and really enjoying his company and hanging out dating him often. We used to like to go watch movie in his car because his parents didn’t like having girls over at their house, they were extremely Christian, tehe… Well we began watching a few DVDs of different directors he liked and then we got to a man who was openly bisexual. Well he proceeded to warn me about their lead signer being bi and therefore looking a little strange but also that he was still a great director despite this. He mentioned this once again after the DVD had began and I asked him if it bothered him that the director was bisexual and wearing eye shadow. He said no he just had never had a friend who was bisexual and it was different. Then jokingly asked why are you bisexual? Well I thought about lying to him to be honest. I thought well that would be the easy way out since I know he is joking anyways and hell he is moving to San Francisco at the end of the quarter, which in itself is kind of ironic. But hey… what the hell!! I like this guy enough to tell him the truth. Yes I replied shyly after a reasonable pause. He laughed a bit as he proceeded to shut the fuck up, right quick I might add, lol. A bit uncomfortable are we? I wanted to say but that would have been far too sarcastic I suppose, damn… but instead choose compassion and asked why dose my sexual preference bother you? No he said he now had one bi friend and that I would be a new experience for him so he needed to think about some things. Probably what his parents would think and if they could just tell by looking at me that I was not worth the bend in their thoughts.
AHHH I was like a new project?! Huh? Was it that unheard of? I need a textbook or a pamphlet for people to understand me? So what I have the ability to love both a man and a woman equally. Lol I mean shit ill get a business card at that point and put a big fucking rainbow and penis on it lol, that’ll show them!! I guess ill never understand why it’s so hard to simply accept.
And there is a big difference between forgetting I said my preference and supporting me in it; while accepting me as another human being … I am not a disease. I will not change… it’s not gross or an imbalance in my hormones or caused by the rape I endured as a child. If you must label me then at least speak truth, I can love more unconditionally than most others in this judgmental world. You are not better than me and I am no better than anyone else. We are different and it’s beautiful and worth celebrating and freeing up our minds to. Don’t live with just the view out of your window, go outside and look around see other peoples views for once; look through other windows and see their beauty! Choose to live!!!

I apologize if this was a bit much for some people, i was upset when i wrote it and may have said some things that were not afair and i apologize for that, but i am what i am and it hurts to see others like me outcast for such callous disapproval.***
Unknown "Stranger Danger" Peaceful - 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
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Amir Torkzadeh
Haha I just saw your pet right as I pet you. I had some spare change laying around as well, nice to meet you
Amir Torkzadeh "Jerky McJerkface" Perplexed - 16 years, 15 days ago
Sean Kelley
aww thats rotten not so great...buttheads everywhere;)
You have been given jensen dance (eye of the tiger).
Crafted by MiSs SaM
Sean Kelley "my irishpunk" Cheeky - 16 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
Okay, wow, that BISEXUALITY note is awesome. I just saw it and uhh, just proves how awesome you are. Um.m we need to get you that business card hehe.. It'll be a good one to pass around when that "item" is finally designed.. Wow.. Love you, you amazing sexy girl.
Unknown "mitchelove" Cheeky - 16 years, 3 months ago
Hey there pet, long time no talk!!! I see you havent been on HP about as long as I have, how have you been?!?!
You have been given a Bouquet of Balloons.
Crafted by Ash
Unknown "Wild Child!" Carefree - 16 years, 3 months, 13 days ago
Hey you! Long time no talk! Last time I checked it said you hadn't been on in over 3 weeks, although I have to admit that I haven't been on this app much anymore. Things are alright, having a lil issue with the roommate at the moment but other then that life is good! What about you? how's your semester been treating ya?
You have been given Pillow Fight!.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Wild Child!" Carefree - 16 years, 5 months, 22 days ago
It is slowly healing haha but there are plans to go back to the beach tmr so I might get to start the whole process over again... But I have to get my beach time in cause Wed I fly back to Wyoming, which has a severe land-lock problem :P
You have been given ♥ Play Time ♥.
Crafted by Mike
Unknown "Wild Child!" Carefree - 16 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Sonya's Love Kinks

White Roses for you!
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White Roses for you!
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Orange Rose Boquet
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Boquet of Red Roses
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Boquet of Red Roses
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Walk with Me
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Walk with Me
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