True Story:
In my earlier years, I was a hyperactive child with an obsession with chasing things. My family owned three cats, whom we named after the stooges.One cat in particular, Curly, was my favorite. It was the summer before preschool when I started experimenting with Curly. He would let me do anything. I used to play dress up and pretend he was one of my dolls. I would braid the lengths of his hair, until he resembled the animal reincarnation of Coolio. These things got old, and one day I decided we were going to play an extreme game of tag.I tied a catnip toy to a long string and fished it out in front of me. Then, when Curly rounded the corner of our 2 bedroom apartment; I pulled the string and ran as fast as my legs carried me around the room. Curly , as I expected, chased the string for as long as I ran with it. Then something happened. He caught it. No, he was not supposed to do that. So I ran after him trying to get the toy.He ran from room to room, faster as I became closer.Curly caught on that I could seem exactly what rooms he enters, so he got clever.There was a closet in one of the bedrooms that had open windows on the top. He went in through the door, and out of the window. I was short at this time, mind you. So I never saw him get out. When I opened up the closet he was gone, and somehow I didn't realize he had pawed the bedroom door shut. My little body twisted around in amazement that he was not in the closet and just like that, I ran into the bedroom door.Black out.Curly cost me six stitched to the eyelid.Needless to say, I never liked to play tag after that.
Unknown "Meadow Lark" Peaceful
- 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago