Poetry helps me release sad feelings i have inside! I am not finished until the bad feeling is gone, here is a poem i wrote after i was ridiculed for my differences! It helped a lot.
She wishes she was someone else,
She wishes that they could see
That the true meaning of her name
Are the words, I, myself and me
What could she do to change?
She can’t do anything inside.
She longs to rearrange,
The workings of her mind.
Her body blood and spirit
Are her few and only features
She hopes others will feel it
Her rare and unwanted leisure’s
When she’s sad she just holes up in a muse
Searching for a new way of release
But all that she can use
Are the feelings that she’s felt
And put them on a piece of paper
Then only hope that they will melt.
Unknown "Ginny!! " Adored
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago