Hey yo ^_^ My name is Jae Kwan Yoon 20 yrs of age you'll see me as a unique individual urban culture really captivated my life urban art is where i like to escape to and just be myself fighting games are cool, you play 3rd strike, KOF or Tekken, lets play ^_^ korean, apparently i look japanese? ha ha I listen to hip hop in general(korean, japanese, american) but i don't mind listening to other genres as well
Geoffrey YoonPeaceful
- 16 years, 5 months, 6 days ago
Thank you everyone for all the b day wishes, i have such wonderful friends and with out you guys, my b day wouldn't been good with out your wishes ^^ ha ha
thank you all once again and a special thanks to my twinny sis leona for the dope fan sign
ipehh for making those cool items just for my day
jing jing for being nice neighbor ha ha
gary for being dope
kah for being dope
jisoo for being the phaze craze trio ha ha
pinklynn for being dope
and a special thanks to my GF for everythinggg ^^ Geoffrey YoonPeaceful
- 16 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
whoaaaaaaaaa time's really going fast
tommarow's my birthday
finally turning 21 ha ha
i feel old -___-
(sep-13 actually b day ha ha) Geoffrey YoonPeaceful
- 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
Do i look like the guy with the plad shirt?
Geoffrey YoonPeaceful
- 16 years, 6 months, 25 days ago
Gambler Crew vs. Dream Team Japan
Korea invited Japan to do friendly battles in korea
good atmosphere and good shit from both teams
japan is looking pretty dope lately ha ha Geoffrey YoonPeaceful
- 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
grace Dearest one, My name is grace, I am very happy to view your profile here today,as I'm interested in knowing you.reply me through my private email address at ( graceandrew001@hotmail.com ) so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff