so I cut my bangs the other day because they were getting long, and I followed the advice from the magazine about how to cut them, but I did exactly as it said, and they came out crooked!!! So I cut them even more to straighten them out, and now I look like Pee Wee Herman...The End. Unknown"I love my BF! "Scared
- 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
SO...I thought this was abosultely hilarious!! I've seen in about 5 times now HAHAHHAHAHAA Burger King stopped selling the whopper for one day...
Unknown"I love my BF! "Scared
- 17 years, 28 days ago
P.S. I will not add you as facebook friend unless I auction that off as a prize and you are the lucky winner!!
Unknown"I love my BF! "Scared
- 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
Join my Hybrids Herd. We are the descendants of multiple animal species. We have been bred with the best, fastest, keenest traits to survive the harsh wilderness. We survive through our evolution, we thrive as a pack.
Unknown"I love my BF! "Scared
- 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
Check out my shop at the bottom of the page!! Thank you to everyone that has bought something! You're lovely!! =) Unknown"I love my BF! "Scared
- 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago