last night i had a dream again,, i was walking through an enormous cave. the floor partially filled with glimmering tide pools reflecting stars that weren't there. i looked above me and saw a naturally arched stone bridge traversing the distance from one side of the cave to the other. i saw a soft, blue, glowing light resting atop the center . as i looked for a way up, i noticed the bright full moon in the water beneath my feet. every step i took lasted an eternity while i tried to reach the glowing light. as i stood on the bridge it became transparent under me. all i could see was the moon and the stars in the pools down below and the glowing blue light at the center of the cave. so i stepped toward the blue. there was no evidence of a structure beneath me, and still i walked on. as i drew near the soft blue glow i realized the shapes of giant underground sunflowers suspended in the dark radiating their own comforting warmth. one blue sunflower leaned down toward me, dropped a petal and whispered something i couldn't hear. all i could do was stare. another petal dropped and i heard the whisper clearly coming from the flower as it said.... she loves you .... not .... .... ...... another petal fell..
Unknown "ZYZ"
- 16 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
thanks for the help and the warmth i really appreciate it. XOXOX
Unknown "ZYZ"
- 16 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
fresh meat needs points, LOL.
Unknown "ZYZ"
- 16 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
i need points love
Unknown "ZYZ"
- 16 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
i love this!!
Unknown "ZYZ"
- 16 years, 1 month, 3 days ago