I am 43 and lived in New Jersey all my life till 2002 when I moved to Holland and been traveling Europe since then and having lots of fun but yes I miss family and friends and of course the USA, I am a caring guy and I think I make a good friend.
If you are looking for a custom page to be made for you, there is a woman who does fantastic work just take a look at my page for she made it. Her name is Vez and here is her link http://humanpets.com/disturbia . her work is not free but very much worth the HP points she asks for.
visit her page.
http://humanpets.com/disturbia Allan Kostyk"Needs a owner"
- 16 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
This is one of my favorite singers now, found her on Myspace and if you like I suggest adding her and download her music from itunes.