[Letters from Me to You]
l e t t e r o n e
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First, I want to tell you that I'm sorry for what I am about to write.
I needed someone to talk to and you're the only person who makes any amount of sense to me.
I'll tell you, first, what provoked this, because in a weird way, I feel you've got the right to know...
I'm in a casino parking lot right now, writing in the dark. I've just seen a movie.. But the name doesn't seem to matter right now. I've been crying uncontrollably since twenty minutes into the film (which was at a drive-in). Cigarette smoke from my (typical) chain-smoking is burning my eyes, but I'm still too cold to roll down a window. I let them burn and tear (as if a cracked window would change that). I've left snotty tissues all over the dash and I feel like shit from the cold and sleeping in the truck.
By the way. I'm living in my truck now.
In the movie a young woman loses her husband to cancer. Sound familiar? I'm not going to try and explain anything, because (as always happens) something would get lost in translation.
Love and loss aside (personal and ficticious), I'm at the end of it and I still don't know why I'm telling you this. Maybe you know...
Do you know if it gets any easier..?
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Do not repost, quote, etc without my permission, please. Thank yoooou!
Listening to Love Song by Sara Bareilles
Unknown "LoveRagBUNNEH!!!" Injured
- 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago